Monday, October 10, 2011

Old Trinities Are The Best

Don't recreate the wheel.  Choose successful trinities.
Penelope Bianchi sent this pic over the weekend.  She had a question about her vines.
Epiphany for another Tara Trinity: Vines, Gravel & Boxwood.
Vines, Gravel, & Boxwood have worked for centuries in the best & most charming gardens.
Tara Trinities?  Shade perennials: Hosta, Helleborus & Ferns.  Shrubs: Azalea, Camellia, Hydrangea.  & etc.
I'm sure you see trinities you adore all the time.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Recently received a 1940 cottage project.  Vines, Boxwood & Gravel?  You bet !!!!


  1. I was thinking about you this weekend while digging out some foundation plantings. Now the brickwork shows with just a few plants. It feels so clean and fresh. I love it. Good advice.

  2. Oh, I WANT that house- with or without the gravel!

  3. Trinities - you know me; I'll probably find some threes, but I'll also seek out some twos, fives, and fours.

    Yes...why reinvent the wheel?

  4. I've seen pictures with Vines climbing against structure built with stones mainly - how about wood siding? Is it safe to have Vines on wood siding? Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the nudge Cindy. No, to vines on your wood. But a solution was posted today!

    Woody shrubs, espaliered.

    XO T

  6. Thank you! You can't see it in the picture well; but I have to send you a picture of an azalea that is 60 years old! (It was my darling mother's; and I have pictures of me next to it as a child!!!)

    I'll find a picture!
