Friday, January 28, 2011

Are You Making A Choice With Library Shelves?

Centuries old, below, this style of library shelf caught my eye 2 years ago. All books, no bric-a-brac.
A style matching my landscape aesthetic. Borders with: flowering shrubs/flowering groundcovers/flowering understory trees/bulbs. Brick-a-brac of perennials? Not.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Must take a pic of my library shelves for you & post it with a pic of my garden. A conscious aesthetic.
Perennials, though pretty, are too much maintenance. Dead-heading, cutting back, downtime and they take very little space for their expense. Give me a flowering shrub.


  1. from when I lived in a loft a few years ago:

  2. Classic = understated elegance

    Just like designing in black and white, where function and form are attractively merged. Plants are the color and icing (sometimes the cake), and perennials are sprinkles on that icing - if desired.

  3. ...absolutely perfect...there is a reason they were first called BOOK shelves...

  4. I agree, although I have books mixed with sculpture & antique persian boxes etc. in every room; my library is books only.
    As for perrnnials... only NO MAINTENANCE EVERGREEN need apply.
    Except PEONIES.
    Looking for the daffs... will let you know when.

  5. I can't get over your blog photo. gorgeous.

  6. Nice picture of wooden library shelves. A warm wood readily squashy to carving can make a beautiful wooden shelving accent piece, while providing a strong base for display and storage. Wood is such a versatile material. Thanks!
    garden design sydney
