Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An Exception

Landscape Design Rule: 1 Focal Point per Area Faux bois bench.
Oversized hanging candle lantern.
Blooming Hydrangea in a pot.
Gravel path.
Breaking Landscape Design Rules creates fabulous landscapes.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken almost 2 weeks ago in Susanne Hudson's garden. I spent 5 nites with her while creating our garden for the annual Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival. Oh yes, dahlings, will be posting those pics soon.

I've taken dozens of pics of this gorgeous faux bois bench. Each awful. Finally. Ah, finally. Got it !!
Yes, broken landscape design rule, above, but don't overlook the fabulous landscape design: canopy trees, understory trees, walls of shrubs, color theme, sense of mystery, sense of surprise.


  1. Did not see the first 4, but this one is great.

  2. Just found your blog. Love your designs and will be purchasing some of your books. Great Blog!

  3. hi tara,

    boy do i love that bench!


    ps ~ and the lantern

  4. I love that hanging lantern. And of course the faux bois. Love faux bois!

  5. You've done it again- I LOVE the lantern and of course the bench is fabulous!

  6. I don't just envy, I covet that spot. It screams for a quiet moment with a glass of great red wine and a fantastic book. May I ask if the bench was handmade or is this something that can be found? It's simply beautiful.

    I am LOVING being called dahling and poppet on this blog. It's entirely authentic Tara--as is the no styling. True talent requires no styling, my friend. And you've got it!

    Hope you are well. We are struggling through a basement remodel and can't wait to move back to the outdoors--
