Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Overbuild II

Same slope/drainage issue, different garden, as the last post, below. I created this path, above, over 20 years ago. Stone & gravel were under $150.00 and all the labor was done by ME!
The day I created this path COLLEGE BOY said, "All the gravel is going to wash across the garden with the first rain."
Hey COLLEGE BOY, "2 decades & counting, when exactly is the gravel going to wash away?"
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Gravel path with slight slope, drainage issue. Path terraced, shot pea gravel poured, stones dug into slope with 2" buried in soil, stones angled slightly into slope.
Shot pea gravel loaded at quarry into the back of my pick-up truck. Parked at the curb & shoveled gravel into my double-wheeled wheelbarrow.
Stepped off the length of this path, counting steps, and bought chunky field stone to match number of steps. Chose only stones I could carry in my arms. Each of the stones you see, above, I carried one-by-one from my truck at the curb to the backyard (easier than the wheelbarrow routine) & dug into the slope.


  1. I am really wanting to do something with pea gravel. It looks so good and the look would definately go with my current home and the French features.

  2. Wonderful! Also great advice about carrying stones vs wheelbarrow. It's counterintuitive but so true. I like to roll my gravel paths. I think it makes it easier and safer to walk on. What's your opinion?

  3. You did a great job! It looks so good after all that time.
    Thank you for visiting me and to answer your question- I used to take videos of our garden to enjoy in the winter but my camera broke so I haven't done one for a few years. I think I will rent one and try again-it was nice to have but not professional for sure!
    Take care,


  4. Ah, yes. The ol' gravel dance from the back of the truck to wheelbarrow to garden. I know it well. And I've never regretted having it as a mulch in my front garden, and on pathways and seating areas in the back garden. Wonderful stuff!

    Christine in Alaska
