Monday, March 29, 2010


Takes your breath away, yes? Why? Hardly ubiquitous.
Lines of the house are repetitive horizontal & perpendicular.
Good landscape design KNOWS what to contrast.
This isn't a STUPID swing, aka uncomfortable. Deep. Sink into those cushions dahlings.
The cushions are already telling you about inside the house aren't they? Vanishing Threshold.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Found pic via Limestone & Boxwoods who found it via Things That Inspire when she was posting about Ray Goins furniture.


  1. Ah....what a sweet spot! Now for a cold drink and a good book! smiles

  2. You got it EXACTLY right - it truly DID take my breath away!

    Cozy little cabin came w/a swing. It's upholstered in vinyl. Yes - I'm not kidding. It is soft . . . but does NOT portray what's to be found inside.

    Life is full of future projects, isn't it?

  3. Love the swing! And the swing looks inviting and makes me want to see the house!

  4. What a gorgeous swing- it's so pretty it should have a name that's less "common".....
