Sunday, March 28, 2010


Saladino's work is in full measure. Garden & house. Vanishing Threshold. The pruning of his canopy & understory trees, above, tell me more about the man than his interiors.
His VERTICAL LAWN (vine on wall) & lidded urn on the shelf melt my heart.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Found the pics yesterday via Period Homes.


  1. When I see mention of John Saladino I always think of what he wrote about praying daily that people with taste get money and people with money get taste.

  2. The first photo is gorgeous. . . I'm pretty certain I don't know how to determine where to put the tall, point to the sky, trees! This all looks very "casual" but I'm guessing a LOT of thought went into it!

    Is that a headless statue on the left? I'm almost hoping it is! ;)

    Lovely, inspiring gardens.

  3. In the post I did on 'vanishing threshold' last year, I included a picture from a Saladino project from his first book -

    It is one of my favorites! When his next book came out, I was again 'wowed' by how he clearly conceived the house to work with the outdoors - the architecture, the interiors, and the landscape all considered together. I love this image -

  4. Melting your heart,,,,,, those are exactly the words for the feeling that rushes in when looking at those pictures.
