Wednesday, November 18, 2009


For greater impact plant large leaved plants next to small leaved plants. For greater impact plant purple foliage next to chartreuse foliage.
It's all about texture. Leaves are Texture.
Big leaves are coarse texture. Small leaves are fine texture.
A boxwood leaf is fine texture next to a magnolia leaf which is coarse texture.
A boxwood leaf is coarse texture next to a creeping time leaf which is fine texture.
TEXTURE is relative.
Then I used the Tara Rule, JUST LET IT TOUCH, above.
I used plants bug proof, drought proof, zero chemicals, zero pruning. They peak at different times spreading interest throughout the year. The conifer peaks in winter, purple setcreasea in summer.
Ha, did you think it was simply a picture of 2 plants? Yes, after putting all of the above skills into creating the combination.
PLANT COMBINATIONS. If you see plant combinations you like, & they fulfill all of the above, then dahlings it's time to follow the first rule of landscape design, COPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're keeping existing plants you know what to do. Place new plantings of contrasting texture next to them.
You'll never be stuck again designing your landscape.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

1 comment:

  1. There is something about purple and green together that really speak to me. I recently saw a bedroom done in purple and green - and white. They were fresh springtime versions of the shades, and it was an incredibly beautiful combination. When I left the house, I saw the same color combination in the landscape design, and it was a 'vanishing threshold' moment for me.
