Friday, September 18, 2009


Do you think this is an accident? Just Let It Touch. My landscape design trick with focal points. Foliage barely gracing the edges of a focal point.
Think the azaleas 'accidentally' bloomed on the chair? Hardly. I designed it to happen.
Pruning to the event.
Siting the Well-Placed-Chair. It's on axis in the woodland walk from the back gate, and the front gate. It's on axis from inside, Vanishing Threshold: downstairs breakfast room & living room, upstairs library.
More than a home run, the chair has 5 axis views.
And you thought it was just a chair in the garden?
Landscape design skills used:
...........Tara Inventions............

1. Just Let It Touch
2. Vanishing Threshold
3. Well-Placed-Chair
4. The-More-Axis-Focal Points-Have-The-Better-They-Are.
Traipsing continents for decades seeking what makes a landscape work. Seeing universal patterns across space/time. Copying them. Naming them.
In college my landscape design classes had none of this stuff. Why not? Perhaps it's what the Founding Fathers discovered. When truths are Self-Evident they need to be written.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. I enjoy coming here every time you post so I can learn some new design tricks.
    thank you,

  2. I second what Carolyn just wrote. I appreciate the design lessons very much.

  3. I think I just truly figured out your axis point. I'm a slow learner:)
