Saturday, September 19, 2009


Monty Don's manly wheelbarrow doesn't work for me. Why? Why waste gardening energy with a full wheelbarrow on one wheel?
If you're serious about low maintenance gardening choose a 2-wheeled wheelbarrow.
A 2-wheeled wheelbarrow works for you, balancing weight vs. you balancing weight with hands-arms-chest muscles.
WHO IS MONTY DON? Ha, he's the best. Discovered him thru his book, The Prickotty Bush. I read it each January. If you like gardening in the least, get this book.
I'm quite serious about the wheelbarrow. Remember, 2 wheels. Of course if the 1-wheeler came with Monty Don, hmmmmmmmmm !!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
pic via 1st link which includes tidbits from his recent book, delicious.


  1. I so agree. I am laughable behind one of these things!

  2. Load the weight over the wheel and it's easy.

    He's a sadly missed presenter of the BBC's Gardeners World programme.

    If you can get a copy of his 'Around the World in Eighty Gardens', I recommend it!

  3. I've got the 4-wheeler dump cart. It's a winner all the way for my yard. The one wheeler has it's place though. It's what I grew with. It can get you tough tight twisty places like nothing else and you can do pinpoint dumps.

  4. Rob - we saw that on our TV here in Australia and I just loved Montys comments --- so hard to pick a fav on that show but that garden in South African and the one in South America by the sea!!! Wow!

    You must try to get that video!

    I must try to get a two wheeler barrow!
