Friday, September 25, 2009


I always ask for a landscape design mission statement. TRACTOR CHICK wants her home to be an extension of her landscape, not, her landscape an extension of her home. What colors do you have in your home? They will flow into your landscape.
Want an outdoor fireplace, pond, kitchen, etc? Tear out pictures.

Another designer created a mostly fabulous concept plan for TRACTOR CHICK but it had FATAL FLAWS. (That plan had the outdoor kitchen on perfect view from the front door thru the foyer-formal dining room-breakfast room-French doors. The most important view (axis) on the site. And a stream flowing uphill.)

TRACTOR CHICK knew she wanted a 2-sided fireplace & a pizza oven.

Lots of garden rooms.

Little grass.

A compost area, and potting table.

One of TRACTOR CHICK's lists, above.

Laying out strings for garden rooms, flags for trees & the bench will be, ta-da, the bench. This begins the bid phase for the project.
NOTES: Yesterday TRACTOR CHICK & I met at Smith/Hawken going-out-of-business sale for patio furnishings & urns. Great success. This sale lasts thru Nov. get there if you can.
PUPPET BARBUDA was stunned at the first design on this property. Sniffing the winds, detecting profit margins. The stream didn't really flow uphill. The concept plan had grand visions for dumploads of dirt, a bobcat & laborers. Worse, to dearest PUPPET was directing the main view of this home onto a refrigerator.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Doing landscape is like translating thoughts, wants, and ideas into the real thing... I always find it hard to really visualise what I want. I deal landscape through incremental approach... continue building up, rephrase and reframe. Cheers ~bangchik

  2. Well, I started to leave you a comment, and then one of my dogs stepped on the keyboard. I don't know if that went through. Sorry.

    Anyway, it made me laugh that the view from the front door of a refrigerator got past the original designer. Yikes. That would have been horrible.

    I don't have such a great view from my front door yet, but will someday. Seems to improve each year.

  3. We have painted our home in one colour right through inside. Its a celedon green and its lovely in our hot summers in Australia and it blends right into my outside garden which is very old english country with box hedges and roses for I live in a cooler part of Australia but... we get shocking hot summers and very cold winters.
    I like the house to "flow" from inside to out. My house brick is a beigey brown.
