Thursday, September 24, 2009


Atlanta has flooded. Yesterday morning my contractor went to pick up plants for an installation. 3 acres of plants had washed down a creek. Another wholesaler had lost only an acre of plants down a creek. Douglasville was one of the hardest hit areas. Acres of homes under water.
A woman drowned in her car less than 4 miles from my home.

My leaking roof & flooded crawl space pale in comparison.

Driving to appointments yesterday, encountering detours. Washed out bridges & sections of road simply gone.

Seeing crews cutting huge trees, restoring power.

Connecting with friends & clients discovering who is fine and who is affected by this flood.
Susanne Hudson, pics above, lives in Douglasville. Her home & garden were spared. Isn't it wonderful to hear good news?
The bad news is incredibly humbling.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. * Tara~~~ I've been watching the TV/reading the papers & following this nightmare... and I've been praying for ALL of you, too.

    Llinda in AZ *

  2. I am so sorry to hear about all the destruction in your area-especially the loss of life.
    Take care,

  3. I'm sad to read that about Atlanta . I hope things will go better
