Saturday, August 22, 2009


Her voice, You must have Rudbeckia fulgida fulgida. Standing in the aisle layed with old roof shingles in the perennials greenhouse. I worked propagation, professionally, moons ago. (Moons ago is less aging than 'decades' ago, yes?) Her gold Rudbeckia fulgida fulgida has been blooming July-Dec. ever since, in my garden, above.
A bird planted the spring English daisy, above. Recognizing a true landscape designer, I kept it.

Same chair, above, fall view from my office.

Early summer, above, hydrangeas start and Rudbeckia fulgida fulgida are 1' high.
A supporting tapestry to my days, for many years, I realized I should gather pics of my formal stone terrace & part-time meadow. Threads aren't finished, will get you a pic of the blue ageratum blooming in Sept.
This terrace is a nurturing friend.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Absolutely gorgeous views from your house Tara. I really am learning from you the different perspectives of landscape design. It's amazing how to look at something so many different ways to get a complete view.

  2. What a beautiful spot! And in fall, oh my goodness! We here in East Texas don't get the wonderful splendorous colors of fall leaves. Love your little spot in paradise.
