Really stuff the top pic. Where would you place the bench and 2 pots with gumball evergreens, below?
Perhaps the top pic has no pot and this plaque, below. Changes everything, yes?
What if a chair is placed in the top pic? You seeing iron or wood?
What if a chair is placed in the top pic? You seeing iron or wood?
I'm always playing the LANDSCAPE DESIGN GAME, even with fabulous landscapes.
The most challenging LANDSCAPE DESIGN GAME? A split-level ranch. But that's digressing.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN GAME for today. What, from your landscape, could you place in the top photo?
Nothing for this Italian spot? Oh darling, today, shop or dumpster dive. With elan......and put me in your head. Ask, Is this so wonderful it will be fought over at my estate sale?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Perhaps a window box with red geraniums?