Sunday, July 19, 2009


SHIPMEN invited me to a picnic yesterday. Thought you would like a few street views of their landscape. Path & perennial border, below, led them to hire me. Years ago.Don't you love this hint of entry, below, luring you further? SHIPMEN purchased their neighbor's backyard and extended their garden beyond the entry, above. A few steps further, below, and you see their gate.
A few steps more, below, and you realize the entry is an ENFILADE.Entering the gate, above, but before arriving at the 2nd gate, welcoming urns of geraniums. Notice the lattice walls, below, painted black. Perfect.

Sneaking thru their garden, because I could, and I knew you would want to peak into their conservatory, below. A hint of one FETISH.
SHIPMEN adore antique chandeliers. They're shipped home from across the globe.SHIPMEN use their conservatory for dining & plant propagation. It's not for show.

Leaving thru the same gate, above. These were only street views. Tempted to see more?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. T, Aunt's place wonderful - i'll never live like that but good to know it exists. One of joys of our biz is that we get to live (briefly) in so many landscapes other than our own. Have always been terrified of blank canvas - ergo limit myself to maintenance. Had opportunity to 'design' 3 of my own scapes over last 20 yrs - always seems to take 10 yrs till i'm content with them ( 2 done concurrently)

    Your blog shares the narratives u create in your clients' environs - thanks for making my world a little bigger, more exciting - and here's a tip of the hat to your clients for their willingness to allow photos. namaste, scott

    ps bless these cool mornings - i was able to read newspaper on back porch this am without skeeters!

  2. Tara,

    You just kill me with these photos of your work!


  3. I'd love to see a rough plan of the amazing place. I can't make any sense of what is going on from the pictures.

  4. oh the gates. I look at these and that's all I can care about are the gates. I love them.
