Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Shaker settlement Albany, New York, below.
Master Gardeners in Albany, New York recreated a Shaker vegetable garden. Raised beds with planked paths. Easy access to harvest & weed. And, an enclosing fence. Keeping animals & debris to a minimum. Painted blue. Nothing was done solely for aesthetics with the Shakers. Why paint the fence blue? Function? The spirit world. To keep evil spirits away or ask God's bounty upon their crop, or both, I don't know.
Ann Lee, 1736-1784, founded the Shakers. It was disheartening to discover so little preserved about Shakers in Albany.
Inventions of the Shakers: marketing packaged seeds, flat broom, washing machine, clothes pin, circular saw, apple peeler & clothes press.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
top pic from Shaker Heritage

1 comment:

  1. Here are the FURNITURE known for their simplistics lifestyles... ‘ Shaker style furniture .
