Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Gertrude Jekyll, world's 1st landscape designer, said, When I design a landscape the FIRST thing I consider is what to put on the house.
Near Washington Park Jekyll's edict is planted. And there's a thrilling roof. Stone shingles are larger at the gutter, tapering toward the ridge.
Having something on your house does not always mean a vine. I prefer espaliered woody shrubs. No wires or trellis needed. Vines are often too much maintenance vs. an espaliered woody shrub. Nearby, below, what my LANDSCAPE DESIGN EQUATION advocates. When you create a landscape design begin with trees. What survives in a landscape? Trees, meadow & stone focal point. If you care about low maintenance, organics, sustainability with rainwater only, creating a realm of beauty to live amongst & leaving something for the future. TREES.
With age the trees have become more spectacular than the house, below.

Why is this painted brick, below, working for me? I used to hate painted brick. This painted charmer is near the homes pictured above.

And each of the homes edge Washington Park in Albany, New York. Yes, I was there during the tulip festival.

Original plan, below, for Washington Park. Much of the land has never been privately owned.

Below, the wisdom of what lasts in a landscape (trees - meadow) contrasted with the ephemeral (tulips).

Contrasts, another landscape design tool. Above, see the tree design? Canopy, understory, cone, weeping, horizontal, burgundy foliage, deciduous, evergreen, brown bark, white bark, grey bark.
There is a template for landscape design with trees. I didn't learn the template in college for horticulture. No. Studied landscapes in France. They don't muck about, as the English would say.
Pics of Washington Park from their website.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. I just found your blog. I posted some pictures of my garden right behind the joke post I have on now. Gardening is one of my passions, but I am not above a few tips from the pros. I would love you to take a look at it. thanks

  2. Thanks for coming by. I plan to look at some of your older post too when I have more time. It seems I never have enough time...lol

  3. I love the huge old tree, if only trees could talk!! Also, love the tulips.....my favorite flowers. Pink and white tulips for my wedding along with azaleas, different I know!!

  4. Hi there, I'm doing some research for a photoshoot and I came across this post. Maybe you can tell me where in Washington park are the best spots for cherry blossom trees (forgive me, I really don't know what kind of trees they are) and when is the peak for the pink flowers on them? Thanks so much!
