Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Landscapes erupt from the soul of every gardener. No matter where they live. No matter their budget. As I type there are Defiant Gardeners in Baghdad. A garden in NY City, above, pic from Urban Greenery
In Toronto, above, pic from Urban Greenery Vine on the wall is a vertical lawn. Can you imagine the birds, butterflies, fragrance, sounds, coolness, privacy, pleasure, retreat, these little gardens provide? Puttering about in the gardens creates stronger ambient community ties and higher property values.
Discovered the pics above on a fabulous blog, Landscape Urbanism. The pictures, words, intellect are delightful.


  1. I am falling in lust with many gardens lately. These are so gorgeous. (Thanks for the funny comment yesterday. wink.)

  2. yes, yes, yes, cities need green and all the goodness it provides -scott
