Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A bolt hole. A room of her own to regain serenity. She rented this little loft during a drought. Money to garden drier than the summer. She said, Make it beautiful. I have leftover chairs, houseplants, pots, bakers rack, rug, etc. Leftovers. No money.

She loved the rusty bin of coal, above. It became installation art.

She wanted corn, above. Did she know it was the base of life & spirit in some cultures?

View from her kitchen, vanishing threshold with her garden.

Two hours to place everything. Hyacinth bean vine used for speed, lushness, drought tolerance and beauty.
We shared lunch, life, laughter at the table, above.
She's a lawyer turned soapmaker, Secret Garden Soap.
She says she can change a life with scent.
Isn't that what it takes?
A pianist, singer, songwriter, painter, teacher, gardener, shoemaker, couturier, and more, knowing their work changes lives.

1 comment:

  1. i love the coal as installation art. and the corn stalks. sometimes the best ideas come from being broke.
