Thursday, September 10, 2020

Your Body Connection to Soil Microbes: Good Health

"Albert Einsteins 5 Levels: 

5.  Smart

4.  Intelligent

3.  Brilliant

2.  Genius

1.  Simple

Simple transcends Genius."


Several years into attending Garden Lectures and Garden Symposiums, a beloved speaker was scheduled for the podium.  Topic?  Soil.  Dreaded the topic, thought it a waste of a good speaker.  (Hope it's obvious I was in my 20's.)


Early, for the favored front row.  He flipped me.  Soil is thrilling.  Soil is it.  He slowly waltzed the entire audience into understanding.  Soil is a living force.  A driving force.  Sacred.  He took us from truth, facts, information, to wisdom.


Many types of microbes in soil are in our bodies, microbiomes we would die without.


Decades pass, and new studies add to that original soil lecture.  


Plant roots send electrical currents through the soil, to other plants, passing information of all sorts.  Who knew, electricity and sentience under our feet while plants communicate with each other, and us.


You may not be interested further, but please admit it's quite good cocktail banter.  Beloved gives me the evil eye in social situations, when I've begun any arcane sacred truth about Gardens.....  He gets my, 'That's all', Miranda Preistly look in return.  


Something beautiful, below, to put in your visual memory bank about roots and soil.

Healthy Soil Microbes, Healthy People -  The microbial community in the ground is as important as the one in our guts.  

Pic, above, here.

Threading the parabolic knowledge amongst the unbidden knowledge I saw patterns amongst all the threads.  Roots and our bodies share the same electrical current.


We 'know' our hand/forearm look like this, below.  In context with roots, what do we know now?


"Love and deep truths are not based upon delivery "But upon the hearer, their emotional orientation and sensitivity, which appears to be encoded in our DNA via a particular gene that regulates serotonin in the brain.  So indicates the fascinating research of U.C. Berkely psychophysiologist and behavioral neuroscientist Robert Levenson." M. Papova.    Added to this science, I'd like to know which soil microbes are involved in the process.


 Gunther von Hagens, acid-corrosion cast of the arteries of the adult human hand and forearm.  
Pic, above, here
Roots and hand and microbes and electrical current, "...we meet transcendence where we meet our ignorance." Sir Roger Scruton.
Pic, above, here
More hedge & meadow, above, the chair is yours.
"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge."  Bertrand Russell, 1925.
In the garden, if we see, what the garden "..has taught... about paying attention, listening to what lies beyond consciousness or words."  Oliver Sachs.
Garden & Be Well,  XOT
Link, below, from the seedling/roots pic, above.  Take the link, you'll learn a lot about your health. 
"The microbial community in the ground is as important as the one in our guts."  TheAtlantic



  2. That root system picture is stunning!

    One grandson spent the first two years at UT majoring in soil and oh the kidding he got for that. Alas, he switched to business for a masters but another grandson's wife, at home raising two toddlers, constantly studies soil microbes and preaches the wisdom of it to friends and family.

    I shudder when I think of all the Roundup my husband must have used over the decades.
