Monday, September 21, 2020

Indigo Girls: You Can't See It, You Can't Hear It, We All Need It

 Garden Design is a series of negotiations.  Amazingly you think you're the negotiator.


More than the sound of wind thru foliage is a Garden's thrum.


"It is difficult to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there."  William Carlos Williams.  Best line about Garden Design, and pandemic, yet found.


 Dixton Manor: Inside the Hambro family home | Tatler Magazine  


You'll discover the vital work of gardening; its planning, execution, caretaking, become the deepest, richest and strongest layer of life.  In and out of the garden.


Gardens have always excelled in, "revealing people in all their laughable delusions."  Dan Chaon.  Several years into seriously creating a beautiful garden, and laughably failing, I  made changes to my education, self, and expectations.   


"The act of translation is its own kind of meta; translation is a complex art......"  Sarah Neilson. Garden Design is the highest form of translation.


Dixton Manor: Inside the Hambro family home | Tatler 


Wisteria curtains, above, wish you could see them from inside.  Better, plant Wisteria 'Amethyst Falls' at your window.  Easier than Wisteria, plant Oakleaf Hydrangea and espalier.  Oh my the winter views outside through Oakleaf Hydrangea curtains.

Dixton Manor: Inside the Hambro family home | Tatler  


My subversiveness trinity: gardening, reading a poem, saying a prayer.  What is your subversiveness trinity?  You know, the one from your soul, not your elevator speech.


Do you think he hears the rope, above, while swinging?  Probably.  In decades, he'll still hear this rope swinging.  Do you hear his rope?  I do.  And I can smell the Tara Turf under his feet as he walks away.


Garden Design is thousands of years old.  Everyone behind us, is with us, as we are with this child, though he lives decades past us.  How do I know?  I hear it in my Garden, in Nature.  You know this, you hear it too, or you wouldn't have read this far.


Gardening, "It's not about proving anything.  It's about sharing something." Yo-Yo Ma.

Dixton Manor: Inside the Hambro family home | Tatler 

Pics, above, Tatler, here


Love the wonk of the gate, above.  My gates all have wonk !


Walk the path, above.  Do you hear it?  Walk outside, beyond the gate, do you hear your footfall?


In the garden, alone, a barrier is crossed.  No longer alone, I'm not at all, it's only garden.  Garden & silence bring power.


Emily Saliers, Indigo Girls, about going to a monastery, "It gave me an appreciation for the power of quiet in spiritual practice, which I think a lot of young folks ---or maybe I'll just speak for myself --- didn't really understand, well, what's the big idea about being a monk and going and being quiet?  What does that do for the world?  And it gave me a very keen understanding of exactly what it does for the world and for spiritual communities."


" evolution of recognizing how sacred what is deemed secular is."  E. Saliers.


"I didn't have an appreciation for simpler things that were proffered as much as I do now." E. Saliers.  


Of course Gardens are not silent, yet it's their silence saving your life with Nature's oldest poetry.


"....theologians --- they thoughtfully organized liturgy.  They put thought into constructing it so people might get the most out of it.   .....thought, and organization and structure....."  E. Saliers  Amusing, she's speaking of religion and its template is Garden Design.  


It's the Garden's silence, you're wanting, as much as its meadow, flowers, trees, etc. 


Garden & Be Well,   XOT

1 comment:

  1. My subversiveness trinity, although I didn't realize that's what it was? I have to tell it like it is--reading cookbooks and planning menus, eating my potato salad, looking through my vintage women's magazines in my reading chairs.

    I would love to have oakleaf hydrangeas in front of my house instead of overgrown landscape shrubs! I wonder if the deer would love them too?
