Friday, May 29, 2020

The Best Outdoor Color Trinity: How to Own It !

One exterior color trinity has been used with undiluted success for thousands of years.
Green - Brown - White
Green - Brown - White creates an alchemy frothing with each incarnation.  Guaranteed.

Pic, above, here.
How to Own It ?
Choose your Green - Brown - White from its palette already in your home.  Your dishes, furniture fabrics, cloth napkins, art on the wall, wallpaper choices, the clothes in your closet.

Pic, above, here.
It gets better.
You get to choose a main subsidiary color.
A color to POP.

Pic, above, here.
Choosing your Subsidiary Color, look specifically at the art on your walls, throughout the house.  Perhaps a wallpaper.
Never have I not discovered a Subsidiary Color without it being an accent color, POPPING, from each piece of art.
Pic, above, here.
Subsidiary Colors are great for a Front Door.
Remember, I must know who you are from the curb.
 Tuesday October 22nd – Open Thread | The Last Refuge
Pic, above, here.
It's been a joy through the years helping choose specific Green - Brown- White colors with clients, and great fun choosing the Subsidiary Color.
When I share with clients their Subsidiary Color, they respond as if to a strong gale, wide eyes, leaned back onto their heals, no words, but plenty of sounds coming out.  Speechless.
Acknowledging THEIR color, probably for the first time.  PERMISSION & BENEDICTION.  Redemption.  Then, smiles, and laughing.
A slip of color, threading throughout their home, suddenly 'Nothing to Everything'.
The mask has fallen, their real self appears.  Their 'Extraordinary pretend selves....' would have never braved choosing that Subsidiary Color.  Yet there I stand, telling them what their Subsidiary Color is.  .
This color, their raw power, finally acknowledged.  That color, coming home, seeing it on the front door, or shutters, or garden furniture, bringing the smile to your face, and a feeling in your heart, only Home can bring.  Your Home.

Pic, above, here.
Oddly, this ochre, below, has been intuitively chosen by many clients, in their homes.  Poof, Subsidiary Color, outside.
"This is a crazy combination of canary yellow, citron, and a little egg yolk all rolled into one. It's a feel-good color, because it's light and refreshing and bright. I did a sunroom in it, with a ton of wicker furniture painted spinach green and covered in a multicolored chintz. I also think it would be great in a kitchen or a family room or even a grand salon, like Nancy Lancaster's famous 'buttah yellow' room."  -JOE NYE  Farrow & Ball's Babouche 223
Pic, above, here.
Would love to choose a Subsidiary Color from this painting, below, if it were in a client's home.
So much, "Scope for the imagination." Anne of Green Gables.
 I feel this to be the best representation of how I see Eurydice's character. She's quite the book worm, she's very beautiful, she's innocent, but most of all, she's a splash of warmth in the darkness of the underworld, much like the girl pictured here.
Pic, above, here.
Boom, boom and more boom, with Subsidiary Color, below, this room makes me want several homes, merely to use all the Subsidiary Color choices.
 The Creative Process: Building a Collection | Meredith Heron Design
Pic, above, here.
Monet was particular about color in his garden, including what color he allowed his gardeners to wear.  Furlow Gatewood, below, is wearing that color, a chambray blue.  Get yourself to the Thrift Store this weekend and buy several properly colored gardening shirts.  You must walk your garden, acceptable to Monet.
Take the link to Furlow Gatewood, order his book.  Do it.  Today.  (No, no affiliate link.....yet !)
Pic, above, here.
Fun Subsidiary Color, below, with Green - Brown - White.
Pic, above, here.
'Frida Kahlo's true dialogue was with herself, and the main witness was her art.'
Tara Dillard's true dialogue is with herself, and the main witness is her Garden.
Fun, in calm abiding, understanding your own dialogue, and who's partaking with you.  Clarity is there, if you choose to see.
Why the Color Trinity?  It will "exude an aura of technical virtuosity." Roberta Smith, every time.  Including yours.  Own It.  Why Wait?  Translate your repertory beyond the mundane, go big.
'Collude to visceral effect.' Roberta Smith.
When you choose your outdoor Color Trinity, you're choosing "Lucid demarcations".  No worries if anyone understands, your garden does, I do.  So does Providence.
Your garden must tell me who you are from the street, does it do that?
Why is this so important?  It's your life.  How you choose to live your life.
Begin with house & garden as one.  From the soil upward, choose the grace & joy of a systemic topography.
In the morning drinking your coffee, looking out the windows, seeing your garden, its focal points, Color Trinity, Subsidiary Color, plantings, from across the expanse of the room you're in, and inside your home, its colors and art and textures and comforts; speaking to you and the garden, you're happy with who you are, your home, your garden.  Another day, a seemingly small victory.  But you know different.
Finally, inside your home, the light of a new day, traveling across galaxies and eons to reach you, the wavelengths of light, turning to particles as they travel through your garden, back into waves going through your windows, onto you and in you, bathing in such a light, it's physically felt.  As Toddy said to Victoria, in Victor/Victoria, "..... a religious experience."
No worries Green - Brown - White has been done for centuries, each time it performs a "..spontaneous aesthetic..."
Weather should be good this weekend.  Will do a bit of gardening, and feeling, "Luncheon-on-the-grass-mode." Roberta Smith.
Garden & Be Well,    XO T
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Well aware I've said everything, above, before.  Will continue, but you know that.


  1. I love it when you write about this subject. Please keep on doing it because I learn something every time, enjoy it every time and this one is super and fun and rich enough to stew on a long time. The Woman with the Green Umbrella is lovely!

    I'll get back to YOU with my FINDINGS!!!
