Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Why You Must Begin Your Garden Now

If you've been wanting to create the garden of your imagination around your home, or even plantscaping your interior, it's time to take action.
beautiful front porch
Pic, above, here.
"Find this
                                    within you,
it travels on the breeze like a ribbon
in search of a home
                 and your work
is to give it one
or it will find another
                    more suited servant."
Street Poet, Keven Devaney
Now is the time.  You are a well suited servant.
Garden & Be Well,     XO T
Pages of paragraphs to add, chapters coalescing.  Each of us born that more-suited-servant, along with free will.  Delineating our narratives, in our garden & home, is done, whether consciously, or subconsciously.  Without words, our delineated narrative is read by all.
Update, previous post.  Doctor's waiting room.  Another cancer diagnosis for Beloved.  Separate from the first.  He's still active and working full-out until surgery in a few weeks.  Until then we live, love, pray.  Only occasionally having to remember, Just breathe.     


  1. Hi Tara: I am so sorry to hear about "Beloved's" health issues. I enjoyed the little poem that you used to open today's post. It reminded me of Jan Richardson's writing and her blessings. Do you know her? She is a Methodist Minister, but also an artist and poet. I absolutely love her writing . I thought you might enjoy googling her if you aren't familiar with her. Peace and blessings to you and Beloved.
    Isla Tullos

  2. Tara,

    Having walked this journey 2 years ago, I wish you courage.i know you find solace in your garden.

  3. You are brave and vulnerable to invite us into the waiting room with you. I am so sorry that you and your husband are going through this. I'm so glad you found each other so he doesn't have to go through it alone. Praying.

  4. Hi Tara, Your life has been on a unwanted trajectory these past many months and I am sorry for that. I know your gardens will give you solace and a place to renew. My thoughts go with you as you and your Beloved make this journey. Cathy

  5. Love a PORCH!
    DO NOT HAVE ONE NOR HAVE I EVER..............
    Perhaps time to build a NEW HOUSE with a wrap around porch!

  6. Thinking of you through these long days. In time it will be different than it is now.

  7. Thank you very much for sharing interesting thoughts. You’re right, we don’t realize that the way we design our home space can do much for the environment and for our wellbeing, it’s only necessary to use a reasonable approach. The tips you have mentioned in the article are very useful for designing for our own lifestyles. Modular Kitchen in Chennai

  8. Oh Tara, my heart goes out to you. You've been a great inspiration to me for years, even though we've never met.I've purchased your books and looked out of each window planning ways to turn that view into a living picture. Thanks for contributing so much inspiration to my life.
    I share the battle of cancer with Beloved. I pray that he will be as victorious as I was. In the 12 months from February 2005 to February 2006, I had radiation, surgeries and chemo for 3 different cancers, two of which were stage four. But, I'm still here to tell about those battles and the original bout back in 1993. So my current score is Kaye 4 and Cancer 0.
    I pray for both of you during this time of physical, emotional, and spiritual warfare.. I check your website every day to see if there are any updates on the health issues.
    May God bless you both is special ways.
    Kaye Fairweather
