Monday, February 4, 2019

Gardening for February: Choose Spring/Summer Colors

Oh YES, below.  Monochrome.  More, big pot.  Hopefully with drip irrigation.  Big pots are big on statement, with little effort.  Small pots?  Dinky is Stinky, worse, too much maintenance. 
February's Gardening, choose color/s you want for spring/summer.  Seriously, with joy in the process.  What colors make you happy, where will you buy them when the time is right, do you need to start seeds now?  What's the rest of February Gardening?  Enjoying your lenten rose, camellias, daphne in bud, contorted willow catkins, tips of daffodil foliage showing etc.    Did a job in Detroit several years ago, oh my the sadness of not using camellias.  Roses are also pruned, if you live in zone 8. 

Monochromatic colors
Pic, above, here.

 A blog for passionate gardeners with an emphasis on the quaint English Cottage Garden style
Pic, above, here.
Pinks, above, are the light/dark pinks, below.  Excepting I'm adoring the added creme, below, with the tones of pink.  What flower is creme, without showy stamens, a pure creme to go with the pinks?
Annual flowers, of any great beauty/interest for spring/summer, are mostly pre-sold to professionals, planting thousands of flats of annuals each spring, on contracts signed during fall/winter.  Too many years now, seeing a few stunning floral pots, wanting to do the same, yet nurseries are stuffed with the mundane at both retail/wholesale.  I am a professional, go into wholesale growers, see marvelous colors/plants, yet all pre-sold.  ALL.       

 'Bath' by Edith Sitwell, with cover illustration by Rex Whistler
Pic, above, here.
Another layer of color for your garden, below.
Did you notice it's an incredible winter garden shot?  A garden beautiful in winter, will be beautiful all year. 

 Antique Gardener Statue Sir Roy Strong Garden
Pic, above, here.
February is the best month to design a garden for.  May is a trollop in the garden, flowers with bees, trees with wind, bulbs with ants, shrubs with birds, groundcovers and possums, showy vanity, scented allures, touch-me velvet petals, come-play-on-me powdery stamens, land-on-my-throat funnels promising a tete-a-tete with cocktails, for starters.  Makes me wonder what's happening lower, in the soil, out of site.    Spring/summer are easy thinking with garden design, but not sustainable, fall/winter are the considered intellect designing a garden.
Notice the humor?  Me, human.  Already on the hunt for spring/summer color.  Affected by the same spring concinnity as the insects, birds, etc.... 
Proud of it.
  15 Iris Apfel Quotes That'll Change The Way You Think About Fashion #refinery29  You'll never see Apfel in an all-black outfit.
Pic, above, here.  Iris Apfel.
Does color move you?  Color, wild-crazy-marvelous energy.   
 It's true...
Pic, above, here.

  37 Wonderful Inspirational Quotes About Life 3
Pic, above, here
Gardening from your heart?  Courage.  Courage with intellect. 
Go.  Go now.  Choose garden colors for spring/summer 2019.
Garden & Be Well,   Tara


  1. Great post Tara. 'Dinky is stinky', that is a good one to remember. I need to get rid of the 'stinkies'. ;-)

    Yes, color moves me and I garden from my heart, on a limited budget. I need more courage in pruning.

    I choose to 'Garden and Be Well'.

    Happy February dear Tara ~ FlowerLady

  2. I love this post, especially the quote from "Aunt Frances." xoxox, Brenda

  3. Tara, you could set that first big pot of purple plants right down in my garden and I'd be more than happy. I must pin it for inspiration. Purple makes me very happy!

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