Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Flow: First Layer of Design

In college, Garden Design taught flow, flow of turf, and flow of beds.
Pic, above, here.
At the time, I knew the education received was no good, for me.
Flow was not on my radar, up front.  Intuitively knew, turf and beds with their in-curves and out-curves were aliens.  To me.
Decades of touring historic gardens across Europe, with a horticultural guide, taught the methods of designing a true Garden.  If you want turf, foundation plantings, in-curves/out-curves, mow-blow-go, annuals, don't stop at this blog, keep moving.  Plenty of resources want your business, and happy to have you sign their contract.  I'm not for you.
Historic gardens flow from your home, historic gardens flow from your life, historic gardens flow richly, adding layers of joy, grace, beauty to the site, more importantly to your life. 
Seeing the quote, above, made me smile.  First thing I do, designing any garden, is consider Flow.  Not plants.  Flow.
Is Flow in your quiver of Garden Design arrows? 
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
What would be best, to teach flow, is have a real garden, put it on paper, begin its Garden Design.  And talk you thru it as you watch, in a seminar format, no more than 20 students.  Of course, doing this after power points on each layer of Garden Design.  Your first assignment?  Entire class must design a garden, the same garden.  No peeking at each others work.  No worries, anyone wildly out of flow, I will nudge in proper direction.
No names on any design.  All designs go on the wall.  We walk/talk them all.  What you learn from wrong choices in the works as important as what is correct/magic in the designs on the wall.
Heads-up, the hardest garden to design?  Your own.


    Did you see my SPRING GARDEN POST?

  2. Reading through your blog I have noticed your many remarks on flow and the garden being an extension of the house the garden surrounds. Now I completely agree with flow be it metaphor or the reality of navigating physical space. Metaphors generally depict life as lived and one aspect relates to another for the sake of making an imperfect language assume clarity,so helpful in passing on acts of life that are both necessary and meaningful. Both dwelling and garden are constructs maximizing mankind's survival and the impulse to create art. Perhaps the expression of art is key to survival and better yet survival as expression of our need to express beauty. Not being gods our creative ability is in the reformation of the flow of nature expressing our second hand creative needs.

    Along with flow what other characteristics allow man to touch the divine in creating a garden or for that matter any creative endeavor?

  3. "What would be best, to teach flow, is have a real garden, put it on paper, begin its Garden Design. And talk you thru it as you watch, in a seminar format, no more than 20 students. Of course, doing this after power points on each layer of Garden Design. Your first assignment? Entire class must design a garden, the same garden. No peeking at each others work. No worries, anyone wildly out of flow, I will nudge in proper direction."

    You bring a fresh approach to gardening. Sign me up please Tara for an online course. Seriously!!!!!!!!
