Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Biggest Landscape Mistake You Don't Know You're Making

Garden Design thought, as incentive, "I want an outdoor dining & living room."

Pic, above, here.
Garden Design thought, as punishment, "I need to do something with my backyard."
Image result for ugly backyard
Pic, above, here.
Change your thoughts, change your garden, and life.
 Hamptons patio dining & entertaining - via Tom Samet
Pic, above, here.
Awaiting Garden funds?  Looking at, above, put it into a different price point.  Concrete squares from hardware store & field gathered patio furniture all painted the same color.  Martha Washington used long wood planks atop saw-horses, with a plain cotton tablecloth, to host their many guests.
Do you need to do something with your backyard?  Do you want a backyard dining & living room?
Beware the questions and statements you make for your Garden.  Those questions will make, or degrade, your garden.  More, your life.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T

The Power of Incentives: Inside The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior

“Never, ever, think about something else when you 
  should be thinking about the power of incentives.”
— Charlie Munger
According to Charlie Munger, there are only a few forces more powerful than incentives. In his speech “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment,” he reflects on how the power of incentives never disappoints him:
"Well, I think I’ve been in the top 5% of my age cohort all my life in understanding the power of incentives, and all my life I’ve underestimated it. And never a year passes but I get some surprise that pushes my limit a little farther."  Charlie Munger

Entire article, here.  


  1. Beautiful examples......I think there are two!

    It is unclear from your post. 2 different gardens....

    Charlie Munger is a genius....I have been lucky enough to know him and have him as a father figure for now....30+ years! The most delightful man!

    He speaks the truth. Are there two different lessons here?

    Help me! Please!

  2. I adore Charlie....and he knows everything about everything. He also agrees with every single thing you say about landscape! (he told me) however, you are not allowed to say so!


  3. ps he does not use a computer. He will not read facebook nor instagram....but he may have someone who does. I cannot break his confidence!

  4. I have to tell you , Tara......this website does not represent Charlie Munger at all. He is misquoted......and gargled. Please check out its accuracy before you promote it again. It is incorrect.

    I love you and your approach. We are starting all over here in Montecito. May I ask you for advice...and pay you for it???


  5. Wow!!!

    If only I had seen the truth for my profession and practice in what you said, 'Garden Design thought, as punishment, "I need to do something with my backyard." '

    Those were the worst clients, even when they said the commercial version, "meet code, no more."

    Yes, change thoughts, price point / materials / maintenance, and life. All good, but in line with one's means.
