Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How to Take Charge of Color in Your Garden

A future client sent me a note recently.  Her car needs struts, the garden will have to wait.  No, her garden will not have to wait !
Garden Design begins in your head.  Much to resolve ahead of choosing the first plant, type of stone, etc.
Choosing your color trinity, below, for starters.  For centuries, all the great gardens, now including yours, have an exterior color trinity.  Green-Brown-White is the most used color trinity, a never fail color combination.  More, it's never a repeat.  You get to choose your Green-Brown-White, while your soil, humidity, land shapes, predominant trees and more dictate how color is 'seen'. 
If you're new to gardening this may seem the start of someone mentioning trite rules you must follow.  Headstrong about recreating the wheel?  Head on out, rawhide, snap that whip, you'll be on-the-road-again, over/over, until you come in from the cold.  Been there, done that. 
Found this fabric, below, recently.  Made me smile.  A client, at first visit, already had chosen, without awareness, this color trinity, Green-Brown-White with subsidiary color, ochre.  Years later, we are still overdosing on her theme.  Plants, stone, house, barns, furniture, fencing, even her custom stationary.
Another aspect I adore about choosing a color trinity, once done, color is, mostly, a no-brainer. 

Image result for brown floral fabric
Pic, above, here.
Green and white have been chosen with specificity for my garden, brown remains to be chosen.  Adoring brown transfer ironstone, I must bring several of my favorite pieces into the garden, siting them different places for sun/shade, north/south/east/west, and pull the trigger for my perfect brown.
One of many Garden Design layers, the color trinity, requiring zero funds.  Be aware, full brain amperage, with extra kicking in, required .  Once chosen, your colors, must be backed with full confidence. 
Another Peek into My Pantry | Content in a Cottage
Pic, above, here.

 pure joy 327 ...I'll have to find an excuse to use this somewhere :-P
Pic, above, here.
Earlier this month our dining room finally painted.  Beloved is a yellow man, several yellows already in various rooms, but he is not a front-end chooser of specific colors.  Gave him 7-8 yellow choices, with chips, for the dining room.  Dining room is large, north facing.
Walked him through the house, with the chips, holding them to the various existing yellows.
Of course I had my favorite, but said zip.
At each room with yellow, he easily axed some of the chips.
Last room, dining room, and 2 yellow chips remained.
He easily chose the yellow he liked for our dining room.
A delicious funnel, shaped exactly like an armadillo trap.  Beloved choosing 'his' yellow.
Ahead of me choosing color chips for him, I researched Mount Vernon, Monet, and Monticello.  Have been to all three homes, and knew they all had a good yellow, almost matching each others.  Nancy Lancaster was swirling in the mix too.
 Monet's dining room "For a safer bet, try Benjamin Moore’s historic colors. They’re elegant but not splashy, and will match a variety of furnishings and fabrics. Time tested, they won’t steer you wrong. I’ve used Castelton Mist HC-1 and Beacon Hill Damask HC-2, but look at any of the first six HC colors."
Pic, above, here.
Yes, Beloved chose, Pure Joy by Benjamin Moore.  My first choice.  I would have been happy with any of the chips he chose from.
 The yellow interior beautifully complimented the surrounding Monet Japanese Prints
Pic, above, here.
Almost 20 years ago I bought a vintage book with ikebana floral plates, done in color blocks.  Dozens of pages of  plates.  Choosing their frames, a no-brainer,  below.  More synchronicity, our dining room table is a large drop-leaf gate leg, and against a wall another drop-leaf gate leg table, folded down.  I bought them separately at antique shops long ago, realizing once in our dining room, they can be put together for larger gatherings, exactly as Monet did. 
 Claude Monet house, France
Pic, above, here.
A portion of this story was skipped.  Several coats of kilz and primer were needed ahead of painting our dining room, once Pure Joy yellow was a first coat, and Beloved saw it, he freaked.
Ever seen a feral cat brought inside, and they literally bounce off the walls?
Have handled that situation. 
This color 'freak' wasn't my first rodeo.
In addition to choosing our 'brown', a subsidiary color must be chosen.  It will be one of our yellows.  Great joy in anticipation of choosing.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the plates on the wall of the yellow dining room: are they blue or brown? I can't quite tell.
    So your trinity is green/brown/white & the subsidiary color is yellow? How do you decide to add blue/white plates to the scheme?

    It's all so, so lovely!
