Monday, January 29, 2018

Garden Design Class: One Pic

Garden Design course in a single photo, below.
More, a challenging area.
Did the exterior color trinity jump out to you?  More than having a color trinity, it's the classic color trinity of the ages. Green-Brown-White.  Awareness didn't pop immediately?  No worries, once you gather the myriad Garden Design arrows, they'll remain confidently grouped in you quiver.  None of the concepts are difficult, or challenging. 
Double axis.  Looking in, below, I want to look out from the window.  More, the cross axis.  Really wanting to see the urn/plinth from inside the room it's a focal point on axis.
Plant combinations.  Easy, potent.  Contrast foliage color, texture, sizes.
Layers must be designed: canopy, understory, walls, floor.  And what a floor, oh my.
Seasons.  Change thru the seasons.
Beautiful in deepest winter.  A garden beautiful in winter is beautiful all year.
Ease of maintenance, and little maintenance.
Flow, both eye & foot.  More importantly the flow of metaphor when inside, gazing at the garden, and traveling the galaxy.  Inside, from the axis to urn/plinth, size of this garden could be acreage, or not.
More than support house interiors, via views on axis, below.  Pots, below, can be brought inside for a few days 'showtime' on a mantel, table, hearth, etc.
Notice the other major focal point, aside from the urn/plinth?
Should I tell you, if you don't see it? 

Use gravel, pebbles and bark chips for practical, versatile garden design.
Pic, above, here.
In the garden, views into your home are focal points.  Interior design, must be double axis to the Garden Design.
Theoretical.  If this space were uneven clods of Earth, gravel, aside from form/function, quite easy to shovel into place, and level the space without equipment. 
Maximum pollinator habit, above.  Know what that is?  Plants are sold as pollinators.  Yes, but that doesn't consider pollinator habitat in the macro.  See it, above?  No worries if you don't, major institutions carp on about pollinator habitat in its micro, never touching the macro. 
Maximum pollinator habitat is high density next to low density.  Tiny version, above, but done.
What makes this garden live large?  Seriously?  Imagine being in this garden, above.  Why is it so large?  Literally in addition to metaphorically.   Garden, above, is 1,000's of acres huge.  Bonafide.  Huge.  Do you pass this part of your Garden Design quiz?  No?  This garden owns the sky.
What pops to you in this garden?
Garden & Be Well,     XO T

1 comment:

  1. I'd rather see all of the pots be terra cotta with more symmetry on both sides of the wall and a clearer focal point at the end. As is, it leaves me cold but has potential. xoxox, Brenda
