Thursday, September 14, 2017

House & Garden Well Matched

Perhaps not your cup of tea, below, but a perfect cup of tea nonetheless.  Deer proof boxwood, evergreen, punctuated topiaried forms amongst the green meatballs.  Low maintenance, drought proof, no bugs.  Amusing, the slight stone dry stack retaining wall.  Great thought went into needing/not needing it.  We see which won.
Trees lovingly pruned, small space, several rooms & hallways & walls.
Huge invitation to enter with the pair of urns, graced with stone steps.
Have a seat in the parlor, chairs/fence using black makes the small spaces 'larger'.
House used wisely as the backdrop focal point.  Incredible restraint with the house, great simplicity, dozens of choices made, each with the answer, 'No'.  Modesty of the entire package, house & garden, displays a wise heart.

"A garden is not a picture, but a language.", Henry Mitchell.

.I love the yard and the home beyond it makes me curious to see the inside of it!
Pic, above, here.
As time passes, above, I would prune the meatball hedges into simple hedges, no rounding, letting the rounded topiary shapes 'pop' more.  Better than my thoughts, it would be more fun being friends with this gardener, above, and enjoying it unfold through their head/heart/hands.
Great joy in getting the call from a gardening friend, "I'm going to move that hedge by the house, and put a gate in the fence near ......"
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Irma update.  Hope it's the last.  Power came on last nite, att phone service came on while we slept, over 3 days without.  Beloved's team cleared, chain-sawed, raked, blew, etc. all yesterday.  We're back to a new normal.  Sunlight has changed with many large lost limbs, new scope for the imagination.  A Georgia Power team & a Tennessee Power team got our power restored, we're on the main drive in the historic district.  Side roads will get power today/tomorrow.  They had greater storm damage.


  1. I SAW IT. I thought. I kept reading. And then you said everything I would have said. Too many meatballs ( no, you did not say that.....I thought said....make some of the meatballs into a hedge.) You knew.

    Way too many meatballs for me. I am sick to death of them here.....Jeez! enough already!

    Thank God. I was praying with all my might for you, your beloved, your chickens, cat and trees!

    Delighted at the news. That was a hell of a storm. Poor people an animals in the major part of that disaster.
