Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Garden: Prophet Without Honor

If this shop, below, were in USA, I would find time to go, certainly packing a few of my tribe for the pilgrimage.  Instead, it's in Japan.  Crazy how it speaks my language.

Staff blog: 4月 2015
Pic, above, here.
Years ago I spoke at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center, below, in Augusta, GA.  A decommissioned cathedral.  Speakers, vendors, garden tour, and, the best, display gardens inside the cathedral.


It was my good fortune to walk inside the cathedral just as all the garden makers had left, no attendees had entered, opening was less than 30 minutes away.  The cathedral and its myriad gardens inside were mine.  All mine.
Church of the outside, inside.  Just as my heart has always known church should be.  Always.

Sacred Heart Cultural Center - Interior
Sacred Heart Cultural Center pics, here.
Imagine, multiplying the top pic by a dozen more gardens, all in the sanctuary, above.  Meandering the magic, was a drug.  A transporter.  A life event.
Don't know if they still have display gardens inside the cathedral with their yearly Garden Show.
More, the cathedral garden displays were merely a revenue source for their fundraiser.   Speakers spoke about 'gardening' in tents elsewhere on site.  There was no collateral garden lecture about scriptural references to gardens, our lives on Earth began in a garden, you get the idea.  Nor does their site have any pics, documenting those gardens in a cathedral.  
"Men come to build stately sooner than to garden finely: as if gardening were the greater perfection.", Alexander Pope, 17th century.
Gardens in a cathedral.  Gardens in their cathedral.  Gardens elevating the cathedral, from the inside. Perhaps the ultimate, prophet without honor, " his own house."
"A prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house."  Jesus, KJB.
.Garden & Be Well,  XO T
Are we not kin to a garden?  Without the microbiomes of Earth, inside of us from birth, we would die.  

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