Monday, August 28, 2017

Hunting Gathering Garden Chairs

Two years in our ca. 1900 house I've almost completed hunting/gathering chairs for the harvest table.  .
Matching chairs?  No.  Oddly, matching chairs are a stress I don't want.  As if they must be arrayed properly.
Found a honey hole junk shop for oddball outdoor chairs.  A distressed shed behind a distressed gas station.  Mostly, chairs sourced are in pairs.
Once home, all the chairs are painted the same color.  Placement for the harvest table was decided recently.  With a load of gravel delivered/spread, table & chairs finally enter daily life here.  At the front end, I thought this layer would take, at most, 6 months.

Pic, above, here.
Amusing, above, seems simple.  2 years later, still not 100% complete.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
FYI, been paying $5-$15/chair.  Heavy duty vintage iron, with arms & tall'ish backs for comfort.
(Thank you for the notes/thoughts with my family threatened by floods in Houston.  Mom, who refused evacuation, still dry & with power, houses near her flooded, her neighborhood placed on curfew.  Sister still dry, but lives near the Barker Reservoir in Katy which began releasing at 2am this morning to help relieve further flooding in downtown Houston.  100's of homes will flood on purpose, some will stay flooded 2 months.  Hope to find out today if her home will be spared.  Nice chat last Friday with mom's local Police dept., bless their work, mom's put on their watch list, and they put me on their text list of warnings/updates. )  


  1. GOOD GRIEF TARA....................

  2. That's an amazing price for old iron garden chairs! When I look through my old House & Garden magazines from the 50s and 60s, I love the ads for garden furniture, especially the wrought iron chairs and the tables with glass tops. Prettier than anything I see in stores today.

  3. A girlfriend and I both have "a thing" for chairs. Ten years or so ago I found some fabulous Christmas tree ornaments that were French Louis IV, etc., painted silver and upholstered, about 2.5" tall. I bought her two and me two. Our husbands couldn't imagine why we were so happy with our little chairs! Thank God your mom and sister are still dry. Hope that continues to hold. I have a friend who was trapped on the second floor of her condo right on the bayou. The first floor had 10 feet of water in it. Her furniture was floating. It took most of Saturday before someone could rescue her. This has been devastating! xoxox, Brenda

  4. Lovely composition and can't wait to see yours.

    Praying for your family.

    Just saw news that the Addicks dam will spill over. The controlled release wasn't enough.

    Prayers for all.

  5. Timely post. I'm looking for chairs the squirrels won't chew on! Something like these may work........until the seats are chewed through. Any suggestions on keeping furry critters from sharpening their teeth on my wood furniture?

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