Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Serendipitous Focal Point

Approach, below.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

Obvious, below, pair of urns as back drop to the bench.  But wait. there is more.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

Look what happens, below, with one of those urns from above.

Weeks of endless Summer - Ben Pentreath Inspiration

When I'm designing gardens on site or in my office, this 'game' always happens.  Designing historically, and receiving serendipities, above.
Makes me laugh out loud, every time.
The serendipities are sign posts, "You're doing this right."  More, knowing my Muse is in league with the same Providence as, above.  They're all having a party while I'm working.  This 'work' my party ticket.
Work a poor word for my livelihood.  One meaning includes, "...the absence of pleasure."
Anyway.  All of the above merely letting you know when you get it right, you'll receive party tickets too.  Along with a gorgeous garden.
Garden & Be Well,  XO T
Pics from Ben Pentreath.


  1. HOW DEVINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So gorgeous! And I see the Tara Turf! I managed to talk RH into leaving part of our field uncut. The wildlife love it but our neighbor asked why we let it grow tall.

  3. Serendipitous results are some of my favorite; some others don't like that I don't plan every little things, as if I / they could.
