Monday, July 31, 2017

Color Echoes: House to Garden

Tiny and potent, below.  A joy to see simplicity of plantings, lines, materials.  More, the cunning echo of pot color & edging color from house to garden.  Wicked good.

Pic, above, here.
My only design concern, above, was allayed looking more closely, really close, & seeing it dealt with, bravo.
Did you think the same thing?  About the 'mulch'.
They've already planted groundcover, soon, zero need for mulch.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
Life is good for this home, pretty garden AND a marmalade cat.  My marmalade, Mister, lived to 22.  He's buried in a song bird meadow, where the deer slept in the tallish grass toward the start of the wild wood.  Only the best for Mister.  How anyone shares/posts about their pet 'just' dying, is beyond me.  Tearing up now, and he's been gone over a decade.


  1. Could you explain why the mulch is out of sync? Texture? Color? It seems like visual relief and space is needed around edges. Thank you. I always want to know your brilliant thought process as well as your conclusions! Barbra

  2. I have a marmalade cat. "Louie". He is so special.....I teared up just reading about "Mister".
    I don't get that either.

    Ground cover will be divine. Love the cycads. Some people think they are palms. (called palms....but not)

    Please google "Lotusland" and then come visit me and stay in my guest house. Teeny. I have the most heavenly new gardener after 3 years of hell. Thank God. I think he spared me an early grave!

    Honestly. Will do a blog post. New website and new blog help. Lordy, a mess.
    Seeing the end of the tunnel!


