Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Still Life in the Mission Statement

Part of my personal Garden Design mission statement includes having the accoutrements of gardening look like a Still Life where ever they may be set, zero effort, just-is.  Rarely used, this farmer's hat stays in my mobile office, aka little ugly van, at all times, it came out in the rains last week at a pair of jobsites.  Today there is time to get it stowed properly.

Image may contain: hat and indoor

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Had to get paint last weekend, above, for a triplet of chairs found for the harvest table.  This particular tableau, above, perhaps the most honest literal translation of USA gardening in the macro.  Seeds to the left, plant killers to the right.  Of course plenty of pollinator killers to choose from too.  Can't make this stuff up.  Providence is paying attention.

Image may contain: 1 person, tree, sky, car and outdoor

Sourcing plants last weekend, above.  Antique shop, where I bought the chairs mentioned earlier, next door to the nursery.  Jobsite receiving the palms, above, first of its type for me, raw & emotional.  Will write about it soon.

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Came home from a jobsite, above, last week with a gift of  bounty.

  Image may contain: plant, tree, fruit, sky, outdoor and nature

Pomegranates forming beautifully, above.  Never had a pomegranate until moving into this ca. 1900 house 2 years ago.

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Two nites ago, above, dinner on the back deck, homemade lemon pie, and the year's first use of the Haviland 'Morning Glory' china.  Small token of appreciation to Providence, switching of chinas/ironstones, honoring His seasons.

Image may contain: bird and food

Chickens, above, enjoying first fruits of vegetable garden.  Me enjoying them, every day.  There is no waste from the kitchen.  Toting them scraps last week, I got nailed.  "Toast?", "They like it toasted.", was my best answer.  Chicken Whisperers, understand completely.  Why do I like chickens?  They are wildly amusing, and deeply calming.

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We had cause to close the back door last week, 1st time ever.  It's on-the-list, but until then it's rather interesting.  This had been the original back porch, where I stood to take the pic, enclosed ca. 1960'ish.  The original roof line here, deep, extremely deep.  Facing south west, it never had the sun.  Fifty foot central hall, 11' ceilings, 4 coal fireplaces, front porch deep/wide facing east, this house was rocking it ca. 1900.  Taking advantage of initial design details led me to think brilliantly.  Writing soon, about that brilliant thinking, many clients have it too, & better labeled, Danger Will Robinson.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T


  1. That certainly is an interesting door with its mottled panes!

    I remember another such post here of the still life of a hat on a chair by the door, were gardening gloves by it too? It made me think about how so many simple things can be beautiful. And you have a fine meal awaiting you on the table. Did the 3 small potatoes get cooked on top of the pole beans? And lemon pie served on the porch on Morning Glory makes a fine end to a June day. I too use different china for different seasons!

    I do love stories of your ladies! Even if it does make me miss ours that stayed with our place when we sold it to our son. This brought back a sweet memory of our Sonny & Cher who hopped up on a bench in the picnic shelter where the Righteous Brothers were singing I've lost that loving feeling. The ladies cackled and talked and danced, hopped down when it was over and never repeated their performance with any other music. That one time was a Gift. Our son still sends us weekly eggs but I sure miss the ladies.

    Hmm, cannot wait to hear more of Danger Will Robinson!

  2. NEVER had a POMEGRANATE..........messy stuff but good if you sprinkle on your salad!
