Thursday, March 16, 2017


Beloved has been clearing invasives from the woodland for over a year.  Months of clearing, months of burning, or at least waiting for burn permits to be released.  The last purge of invasives, 2 staggering mounds of trees.
We drove the Gator, before Christmas, toward sunset, with glasses of wine, to admire those behemoth piles. A single pile would have provided, beyond measure, everything needed for, below.  You can imagine my excitement.  A STUMPERY !  My personal Gator mound tour included meandering, slowing, pausing for stories of the greater feats & daring  & skill required.  I was locked on the stumps.
Gave him his time for manly bravado, then, "I want to make a stumpery."  Two issues against it, he had never seen or heard of a stumpery and "I" could obviously not do it myself.  Describing a stumpery, his face got a 'look'.  "Prince Charles has one.", did not go over well.
It's wildly amazing how huge mounds burn down to 3 cups of ash.  My stumpery included.  Dream dashed.

The Stumpery - a garden made out of old  tree stumps and filled in with hostas and ferns...Highgrove, England:
Pic, above, here.
For reference, a few details about filthy lucre.  Beloved worked his Caterpillar months of weekends, clearing, and contouring at pond's edge and its dam.  One portion of the work,  about 20%,  towards the end, he decided to get another contractor in and knock the job out.  The bid came in at $21,000.00.  He was tempted, but a pole barn still needs to be built.  To speed things up, instead of hiring that contractor, he hired a large dump truck/driver for a weekend while he was in his Caterpillar.
The clearing/burning/contouring has encompassed almost 2 acres.  The math is easy, the total prodigious.  

Prince Charles's Highgrove Gardens.. the treehouse:
Pic, above, here.
Such visions I had, of my stumpery.
Garden & Be Well,    XOT


  1. This post made me very sad. I think your stumpery would have been the chicest thing in the US; and would have inspired so many of us!!! SOB!!!

  2. Tara, I too would love a stumpery! The Morris Arboretum, in Philadelphia is one of my favorite haunts and they have a lovely stumpery with built-in bench. It's a favorite spot for visitor photographs and one of the many truly stunning features of the Arboretum. I'm sure you could view it by searching in Google images.
