Friday, March 3, 2017

A New Trinity: With Grasses?

If you ask me, Do you like ornamental grasses?  Long pause.  Then a bit of internal rumination, Don't think I want to know this person.  My verbal response, Depends on how they're used.
This garden, below, creates a new trinity, its own world.  Nothing hodge-podge-lodge or dinky-is-stinky about these ornamental grasses.  More, hydrangeas and trees too ?  Cup runneth over.
Trees, hydrangeas & ornamental grasses.  Wicked.

hydrangea arborescens hedge and ornamental grass:
Pic, above, here.
Exciting to see a 'new' garden.  I'm all in.
Interesting tree stakes.  Lots of wind.  Zero protection against deer.  Greatly protective.  I once lost a large sasanqua after transplanting.  Winds.  Rocked too often by wind, new roots continually ripped from the soil.  Loved that sansanqua.  Once dead, called my mentor Margaret Moseley, told her the story of my terrible deed against the sasanqua.  "Taaaaara, (in her great southern accent), I know exactly what happened.  When I move a plant like that I always place a few large rocks atop its roots."
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, outdoor and nature
Oil portrait, above, Margaret Moseley.
Margaret has been gone since 2015, she lived to 98 .  Miss her terribly.  She is a great story in my life, will tell it another day.  Many hours I walked her garden with her.  The stone bench she's seated upon, has a great history.  A pair of slave cabins, mostly rotted, not entirely, were near her property.  Small, both slave cabins had a fireplace with large hearth stone.  With permission, she moved both hearthstones into her garden for benches, using stones from their flues for legs.


  1. Tara; years ago you said I reminded you of an older friend!

    The very first time you wrote to me......

    Was it she? OMIGOD. I have owned the same hat.....for years. I am not kidding; the same hat. From Australia....!!! Kaminski! I swear! I will send you pics of me in those hats from her. YIKES!!!

    Spooky in the best way!!!

  2. Helen Kaminski. wait till you see the pictures. Yikes!

  3. I feel the same about grasses but those are Very Lovely...the design is marvelous!

  4. Visiting your blog for the first time today and happened upon this post of yours! I am curious about your friend, Margaret Moseley, wondering if she may be my husband's family relative. Whereabouts did she live? Such a beautiful picture of her! I am curious as to how you met her, and how she was such a blessing in your life :)

  5. Grasses have useful purposes. My trinity of grasses is Vetiver -- good for stopping erosion and also a good hedge -- Cymbopogon in the potager and Muhlenbergia capillaris in its own right as an autumn beauty.

    Before my beloved north pasture was leased for cattle native Agrostis hyemalis was the spring version of Gulf Muhly, now being munched by cows before bloom spikes can form.
