Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mid-Century Ranch: A New 'After' Pic

Most mid-century USA ranch homes still wear their 1st landscape installation.  A landscape predicated by banks for builders to close their construction loan, and get the certificate of occupancy issued.
Starting from that point, for improvement, using existing plants, moving a few, getting rid of some, adding 1-5.  Copying the aesthetic, below, "With a little imagination.", (Anne of Green Gables), a landscape suffering the uglies for over half a century, enters the new century, with beauty, simplicity, and a setting for the home instead of a detractor to the home.
Truly, this landscape design, below, is art.
Great for a non-gardener, and even better for Aging-In-Place.  Within a subdivision, if those original ranch landscapes decided to reform into, below, the entire subdivision would experience a bump up in value.  No small feat to transition from ugly to pretty.  Happy, is the result.  Home value bump, lovely, but happy is the hunt, priceless.          

Pic, above, here.
Casting bread upon the water here.
Good bread.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
This garden, above, is the fine line of green meatballs/bad vs. green mounds/good.  Yes, love the piquant success of this landscape, above.  


  1. So beautiful! Also appreciate the lack of lots of mulch surrounding the shrubs. I always look forward to your insights!

  2. So pretty, makes me think i don't need to cut back my hebe shrubs which are looking like this as well. . . but they are not as strong. I'm already worried about what the snow will do to them this winter!!
