Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Making the Disliked Desirable

Flipping thru Pinterest I see this gate, below.
Can you guess my 1st thought?  It was immediate.
"I don't like the gate, but I want to work for the person who owns it, design their garden, using the gate, and it's so stunning within the Garden Design, I must have a gate made similarly with my own farm/garden tools."

TOP 10 DIY Garden Gates Ideas:
Pic, above, here.
More than this gate, above, most of my life answers, are in the garden.  I was born with the need to challenge no one but myself, an arrogance, but a truth.
At some point, maybe 2 decades ago, I realized when I had a 'life' question or choice, no matter its topic, I must mentally verbally formulate it into a sentence, properly structured, go into the garden, work a project for at least an hour, with no more thought of  'the question'.  At the end of the time, I know the answer.  Don't know when it arrives, or how, but the question put into my Garden's embrace  is answered.  Same thing happens designing gardens, when I'm done, I know I've been with Muse.
What a lot of bother about using the heart instead of the lizard brain !  Perhaps it's the left/right brain thinking, to the max.
Whatever.  The challenge of designing a garden for this gate, above, to become desirable, greatly snags my attention.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT


  1. Lovely post! I love your stories!!!

    You have so many things to teach!

  2. Interesting! I saw a similar work, not a gate but a sculpture, in a window of a gallery in Copenhagen a couple of years ago.
