Friday, December 23, 2016

Lillies for the House

Lilies, below, to launch a thousand ships.
Three stakes, plastic or terra cotta pot, probably conservatory grown, this is Chatsworth after all, maybe slipped into a wicker basket with liner.
So.  Attainment.  The joy of consideration.  Where?  How?  In the ground, in a pot in Beloved's overhead-irrigated nursery, in a pot in a small conservatory, yet to be built, at my shed???  Not what is easiest, but, What will I like the best?
Conservatory built at my shed.
Ok, just took care of 2017.

Her Grace Deborah Devonshire - photo by Simon Upton - in the Tapestry Gallery, the photo was used on the back of the great and beautiful book that Her Grace wrote called Chatsworth the house published in 2002 'This is a bright and shining Jewel of a book. The Duchess turns the past into life, and life into art' - Amanda Foreman. I love the towering lilies in pots especially in this photo something to try and do in the shop next year perhaps #DeborahDevonshire #Chatsworth:
Pic, above, here.
How do you make your gardening decisions?
Garden & Be Well,  XO T
Beloved & I both have backgrounds in professional propagation.  On the Gator, driving back to the house after checking on the pond earlier this week, we talked about putting up a hoop house.  The Duchess of Devonshire, above, tipped the scale.  We need a hoop house.  Poor, dear Beloved, he doesn't know space is cordoned for lilies, and topiaries just like Bunny Melon grew.  We'll grow for our professional use with clients, but also the local farmer's market.
Will bring lillies etc. to my Conservatory, and into the house, from the hoop house.
Conversation with Beloved, We really need to get the hoop house built, make more money growing our own plants to install in client gardens.  Lillies like Duchess of Devonshire & topiaries like Bunny Melon?  Beloved does not understand that language.


  1. Tara, Beloved might not understand "that language" but he goes one better...he understands the language of love!
    Merry Christmas to both of you and thank you for being a blessing in my life.
