Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Danger: Front Yard Vegetable Garden

Several years ago a home near Susanne Hudson put a vegetable garden in their front yard.  It was amazing, stone edged beds, amended soil, extensive.  Passion was palpable.  Then came the front yard garden design police.  Their vegetable garden must go.  Appeals to zoning.  End of the story is awful.  Most of the huge chunks of stone edging, they removed.  Empty vegetable beds.  I should mention the home was older, and not in a subdivision.  The city front yard garden design police won, mean things were said to the offending vegetable garden front yard owners from several arenas.  They sold their home, moved.  Yes, I will make light mention of several homes on the same street with lawns not tended properly, for decades.
Pinterest sends a weekly drum roll of my most popular pin.  Huge surprise, below, this week.  Saved recently, it made me smile.  The anger thing.  Joining Lois in her 12-step group for friends & family of alcoholics I learned something quite good about anger.  It will cool your jets, at least mine, when in the midst of personal mushroom cloud anger.  Forgiveness.  Personally asking forgiveness from someone else, for my own expression of anger.  Making amends.  Since having this arrow in my quiver, about anger & forgiveness, most expressions of anger never pass my lips.  Instead, blessedly, I think to myself, "You are absolutely not worth making an amend to."  How very nice to lose anger, know the person is dust beneath my feet, disengage, walk away.
Secondarily to living this way, action steps about anger, is the reaction of others, and their anger.  Oh my, they keep going.  And going.  It's an amazing thing to have anger removed, completely, yet the other person is stuck in their anger, and you realize it could be you still behaving this way.  Yes, you'll even smile at the person still angry with you.  In thanks for not being that kind of person any more.  Warning, they won't like your calm smile.        

a moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret // ain't that the truth!
Pic, above, here.

If you are borderline zoning with the front yard garden design police, don't do a 'straight' vegetable garden.  Go historical.  More than aesthetics, you'll have greater pollination, producing up to 80% more fruit/vegetables.
Orchard, below, historic, with guilds.  A gorgeous front yard, I think.

Contemporary Designers' Guiness orchard by Robin Baker via gardenista:
Pic, above, here.

Potager, below, mix of vegetables, herbs, flowers, shrubs.  Hedges & edging give all year structure for any down time the vegetables have.

 For acclaimed cookbook author and TV personality Ina Garten, a garden in East Hampton was a top priority. Now, more than a decade later, it is as vibrant and flourishing as her entertaining empire​.:
Pic, above, here.

Another potager, below.

 Tour Bunny Williams's Picture-Perfect Garden:
Pic, above, here.

My 30 year garden was in a subdivision with deed restrictions.  I chose the potager for my front yard, with herbs & espalier fruit trees.  Twice, a neighbor called police about my garden.  Uniformed, and with a gun.  No neighbor ever said anything to me about my garden, ever.  Instead, they called the police.  Yes, it made me angry.
Both police officers, they were years apart in arriving, walked my garden with me, and apologized for having to knock on my door.  Told both officers no neighbor ever complained to me.  My garden passed the real police, and their guns.  My front yard potager, legal.
Rich story, neighbors complained, police arrived, my gardening continued unabated, and officially police approved.
Stories making national news about front yard vegetable gardens, and police becoming involved, immediately make me wish they had done a potager instead of a straight vegetable garden.  I get it about property value, and am a team player.
'She had a potager in her front yard', would be fine on my tombstone.      
Garden & Be Well,  XOT
Anger at the front yard garden design police quite different than anger at a person.  Most front yard garden design police are allowed anonymity.  Let that anger go, and focus on achieving YOUR goals. Hence this little tale of potagers & orchards, historically correct and aesthetic.  Been there, done that, at the wrong end of a gun, got the badge.  Better, kept on gardening, my way.
Keep Calm & Potager On


    YOU are right about the SMILE!

  2. Thank you for your inspiring post! I can't even imagine how someone would not find veggies in the front garden a wonderful idea. I do understand that change is challenging. I certainly find it so!
