Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hollyhock: Hunt is On

Over 20 years ago a student, I taught horticulture at the local college, gave me seeds for the single petaled pink French hollyhock, below.
They are biennials & self-seed.  Aside from their gorgeousness & ease, randomness in where they will grow 'next year' is a joy.  Somehow, they know better where to self-seed, than me, the 'expert'.
These hollyhocks are on my side, making me look like a better Garden Designer.  Perhaps that's the secret, trusting the plants.  Of course it helps knowing which plants to trust.

Zebra Hollyhocks are perennials that bloom all summer long. They are easy to grow, self seed, are drought tolerant, and attract butterflies. They grow in sun to part shade and get 2-4' tall. Great for perennial beds, cottage gardens, borders, and rock gardens. Zones 4-8:

Pic, above, here.
Moved away from my hollyhocks a year ago.  Must get my friend back, in my new garden.  I'm on the hunt.  Feels good.  Cannot wait for the 2nd year, having hollyhocks again.  Seeing where they come up.  Knowing those moments are small life victories.
Garden & Be Well,   XOT


  1. LOVE Zebrine Hollyhock!! Saw the plant in full bloom for the first time
    in a quaint garden center in the Weimar-Schulenberg area of Texas!
    We always stop there after a run/hunt at the Antique Rose Emporium
    and Warrenton. Our local, independent garden shop in Baton Rouge
    has seed packets for sale.
    Thanx for ALL the splendid posts!!

  2. Ahh - Zebrena Hollyhocks. I miss mine, too. I originally got mine from a local garden club - but see that Baker Creek carries seed:

  3. Are these also known as Zebrina hollyhocks? I had this variety also, but moved and can't seem to locate seeds. Please tell if these are available commercially and can be ordered! Love your blog posts, and I am reading your books. I garden and do floral design in Northwest Houston area.

  4. GASP! among the most beautiful of all flowers I've ever seen.
