Monday, August 29, 2016

Good Looking Green Meatballs

This exception, below, was too many years arriving.  Good looking, year round interest, not too much maintenance.
What's the exception?  These are green meatballs that look great, have an intellect, and finally proved me wrong about how horrible green meatballs are.
Most often green meatballs evolve in default.  Perhaps you have some now, maybe you can look at them thru this prism, below.  Poof, voila, create good green meatballs from bad.

Formal & Tailored Gardens | Boxwood spheres 'randomly' placed in minimal…:
Pic, above, here.

30 #Quotes #About #Life That Will Leave You Completely Amazed, You Will Love…:
Pic, above, here.
Who knew even ugly green meatballs could have new life chapters?
Garden & Be Well,    XO T


  1. Maybe the gravel has an impact on the meatballs?

  2. OMIGOD. I have been quoting you for years......I am so sick of meatballs....they are so sterile...only a few species of birds can nest.

    This is a great example of meatballs......It totally works in this small space. Animals and birds need more levels...and different plants.....

    but please.....please do not do acres of them.. I have seen that! It is hideous....and horrific for wildlife!!!!

    I know you never recommend extremes! I saw a house with acres of small habitat......not one single animal of any kind could possibly survive. Do not love meatballs!

  3. That's a funny name. I had some small boxwoods that I had for 7 years
    and they all died last year? I won't buy them again , like butterfly bush. No luck. Have a nice day. yvonne
