Friday, July 22, 2016

Tess: Best Employee

My best employee, is my little white van, Tess.  Built for work, and adventure, which live the same, not speed.  Uglier than a mini-van, her boot opens the same as, below, with 4 more doors pulling their duty, daily.  So ugly, she's cute.
This week Tess hauled several huge Tea Olive, groundcovers, irrigation tubing, and a box of irrigation supplies.  Tea Olive foliage wrapped the top of my seat, embracing my neck lightly for a quick hour until I could meet the guys, and they unloaded.
Tess carried home a beautiful pair of vintage Brown Jordan patio chairs, ca.1950, this week.  Finally, my turn to own Brown Jordan.  No worries, they were at the curb on garbage day.
Later in the week, I got Tess into a pickle, which she's still in today.  Meeting with our stone mason at a jobsite, just before leaving, he asked if I wanted a large fieldstone he had leftover from another client.  "Show it to me.", I said.  Walking to the back of his truck, it was instantaneous, That Stone, perfect to use as a step into my shed in the Orchard.  How quick the greedy brain works. (Update at bottom.)
Here's the pickle.  No manly help at home for a few days.  The stone weighs close to 300lbs.  How to get the stone out, without hurting Tess?  After today's appointment I'll try a piece of particle board at the bumper, pushed under a lip of the stone, hop into Tess, and push the stone onto the particle board, and hopefully 'out', without denting/scratching the bumper.  That's the game plan.  Until then, the stone will continue riding shotgun for a couple more appointments.  Yes, I'm brazen enough to think I can do this at the door to the shed, and the stone is 'mostly' positioned.  Already graveled at the shed, I may be able to sit on the gravel, and push the stone into perfect position with my feet.
At the front end, totally aware of the humor, knowing the end of this story may include waiting for manly help.  Oh, the dread of that.  More than getting the stone out, I want to have created an easy way to get it out, on my own.  Plan B, my neighbor has a wench.        

Impromptu farm stand:

Pic, above, here.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Tess is always loaded with work baskets, measuring wheel, drawing board, folding table/chair too, my mobile office.
Tess?  Never drove a car with a name before.  Driving her off the lot, overwhelmed with all the 'new', I took a pause at the dealership, to study my new surroundings.  My saleslady came over to see if everything was ok.  Told her I felt awkward, she offered to drive me home in the van, with another employee following, she knew I lived 45 hard traffic minutes away.  Wasn't about to let that happen, but totally appreciated the gesture.  Driving slowly away, unbidden, a 'voice' came to mind, "Tess will get you home."
Update: 7-25-16

Stone removed.  Parked on incline, letting gravity help.

Did several short shoves, getting out each time to hammer tomato stakes further under stone.
TaWanda!   Stone is out.


  1. Do not forget the simplest of machines, the pry bar. Also known as a lever, it can transform your energy. Be careful.

  2. Lucky Tess is a classic beauty!

  3. You are a woman after my own heart. Please update us on how thas went. Worried your particle board would have snapped. I would have gone with thick blankets and a pinch bar. Good luck; you've got this! Congrats on your new step!
