Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lighting: Jewelry for the Landscape

Light fixtures are jewelry for the garden.

Splendor in the South:

Pic, above, shot by Doug Hickok of Charleston, SC, here.
Have not changed light fixture at front door since moving into our ca. 1900 American farmhouse last year.  On the list.  Previous owner chose wisely for pure function.  Variable timer, white to match white siding.  Alas, looks appropriate for a Holiday Inn exterior hall light ca. 1972.  Have spent too much time online looking for the 'right' light, and quit, either too elaborate or too farmhouse cliche.  Will have a light made, from historic lighting parts appropriate to 1900.  Jewelry for the house, remember !
Garden & Be Well,   XOT
Notice the depth of field Doug Hickok used?  Amazing.  Love his shot, framing, lighting, everything.
How many husbands have I looked directly in the eye over this topic, on their own property?  Upfront their only worry was their wife hired a garden designer and there would be too much expense with the plantings.  How quickly I disabuse them of that notion.  My posture, my gaze, their wife silently standing still, watching, with a smile, while their husband receives my gaze.  The gaze.  Transferring 2 pieces of vital information, without words, I am right, I don't play.  Love those moments, another husband bagged.  They've joined the team, game on.    


  1. YES!
    JEWELRY FOR THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NEED MORE JEWELS for LA CASA BELLA!!!!!!!!!OFF I GO IN SEARCH OF....................XO

  2. Love the "look"! Pretty goyod at that myself. Truth is we SAVE them money. And a lot of it!

    Brilliant. I must suggest...Bevolo lighting in Charleston. They reproduce wonderful outside lights using the same methods used for 200 years or something......and they are exquisite. Will sell to you as "in the trade"; you will like for your clients also!!!

    I know a couple of other companies like that......makes it easier!!
    Totally authentic!!
