Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tiny Potager

Moving into our ca. 1900 American farmhouse, almost a year ago, projects in the garden here/there, show wildly decadent rich soil.  1st opportunity of its kind, in my life.
Then there's The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan.  A loving book following 4 meals backwards, in USA, to their origination.  Oh my what I didn't know about the industrial food complex.  We're flucked, as a friend is prone to say.
Against that flucking, a strong desire for at least a minimal potager.  Is it too much to ask, tasting real food?  Our day jobs don't allow much time for more than a tiny plot this year, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, radish, a few herbs of course.  Deer are ubiquitous and wind.


Pic, above, here.

We'll gather sticks, above, this weekend from our woods.  The entire potager, at most 12' x 4'.  A wrap of fruit tree netting.  Done.
Zinnia seeds too.
Garden & Be Well,   XO T
Of course the patch we have in mind, Beloved must till.  I need to start brewing fertilizer tea from the coop.


  1. WE BREW from the COOP!!!!!!!!
    I want to READ The BOOK!
    PS.Cannot believe its been a YEAR!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh - I love your piece of land!

    Yes - it's nice to grow at least a little bit for ourselves.

    Daughter was her tonight w/the babies and we had a ginormous salad. She was impressed the rinsing water ran green from all the chlorophyll in the lettuce! There's nothing quite like it!

  3. We have compost that is added to with the poop from the coop! But our chickens free range and eat every snail.....and fertilize every thing!!

    chickens are beyond marvelous!!!!

  4. You paint such a lovely picture. I hope you win the battle with the deer and rabbits. It's a endless struggle here, mostly they win.
    Basil is my favorite herb, it's good with everything and grows so easily! Can't get enough.
    That and I have a patch of mint that has gone wildly nilly, but I love the fragrance.

  5. Plant enough stuff so that the rabbits and deer can enjoy and there will still be enough for you and you beloved
