Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Copy Valentino

Copy, it's the 1st rule of Garden Design.  Check the ego, earn your Cheshire Cat smile, once realizing, there is no such thing as copy-exactly, each site is unique, hence the algorithm proves you a genius, each time you copy.
Valentino, below.  Yes, 'that' Valentino.  More than clothes, his gardens.  At his home outside Paris, Château de Wideville, below.  In your garden, you are safe to copy anything Valentino does.  After all, it's the exact method Valentino uses, copy-copy-copy.
Catching a hint of Furlow Gatewood, below, in Valentino's garden?  It's no accident the pots, below, have cone shaped evergreens contrasting with the weeping focal point.  Classic Garden Design.


Garden Design course, below, moving from formal at the house, to less formal, and though not in the photo, below, I know a Wild Wood ends the progression.


at the Love Ball, the estate got a fairy tale makeover courtesy of famed set designer Alexandre de Betak, who created a magical, Dr. Zhivago-inspired mise-en-scène. Bryan Ferry performed, and guests such as Carine Roitfeld, Stella Tennant and Daphne Guinness were treated to a unique fashion show featuring one-of-a-kind dresses from 45 international designers. Mistress of ceremonies Anne Hathaway wore Valentino, of course. ", from, pics too, Valentino Garavani Museum.    

Why didn't I think of this?  A Dr. Zhivago-inspired mise-en-scene themed garden party?  And, every bit a tax deduction.  What I would really like to know, is how they mow perfect stripes, below, at the stone focal point.  Do they move it ahead of mowing?  Amusing, I really don't know how they do it.

Wish we all had Valentino's gardeners, in our own garden.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Furlow Gatewood, below, just in case you missed the iconic shot.

Pic, above, Veranda.


  1. I would guess that the simplest way to make the striped lawn is to mow the whole thing at the higher setting (darker green) and then lower the mower deck to the lowest setting and make the stripes (light green).

    It's a running joke here about the fellows who scrape-mow their lawn so they don't have to mow so often. It isn't going to make a difference but it may ruin the grass if there's a drought.

  2. I LOVE that last photo.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  3. Nope did not miss that shot and it has haunted me for awhile now!

  4. Ahhh...I can only dream (right now). I've been a lurker for some time but just love your photos and commentary. I am currently house hunting and am hoping to have a small garden when I move. It won't be grand like many of your images, but it will be mine :) Thank you for such an interesting blog.
