Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Take it Easy, Mon

What is your landscape to you?  What role does it play in your life?  How does your landscape leverage your life?  Is your landscape a monthly check to someone else?  Is your landscape full of chores?  Your landscape informs the world of your views, what information is your landscape telling me?  Have you ever thought to ask yourself, "What does my garden say about me?"  Are you to be patted on the head for keeping the HOA happy with your landscape, and no more?  
This spring, for your landscape, choose your own perspective.
This perspective, below, is my favorite idea of a landscape.
In a word, do you know what that perspective is?


I want my garden to be the backdrop to my life.
Who wants a garden, typically installed by the builder, to be endured?
A garden backdrop to your life is leverage, joy, and grace.
Green meatballs are usually a negative, yet look how many green meatballs are behind Tory Burch, above.  How smart her urns, never need planting or watering.  Ever.
Green, brown, white is the most successful garden color trinity for centuries.
If you maintain lawn/bushes, why not choose them as beautiful backdrop?  Delight in thinking, how to go beyond builder installed plantings, how to make magic from HOA rules.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Obviously this post is about certain ages of life.  Have had several clients this year, moving from their many decades family home, into retirement communities.  All of them, landscaping is provided & maintained as part of the 'package'.  All are in their 70's.  Each of the phone calls quite hard for both of us.  Life must be faced, and they are doing it in grace & elegance.


  1. It has been devastating to leave my much-loved cottage garden of 38+ years. We had a bond...gratitude, dependency, tranquility, appreciation. Now, my builder's lot and HOA restrictions await. What does not kill us, makes us stronger, correct? This lovely post speaks to me. In my 70's, moving from Houston to nearby Spring. Happy gardening, dear Tara.

    I want my garden to be the backdrop to my life..GOOD GOD WOMAN..........that is MAGIC!
