Friday, March 25, 2016

Florist Style in Garden Design

Florist Style.  Don't know what else to name it.  An assemblage of flowers or plants arrayed as if outside a florist shop, a charming florist shop, but in your garden.
New client yesterday, and she's quite a challenge.  Children, grandchildren, she & her husband own their own business, and they have 3 homes, plus lots of travel.  Aside from mow-blow-go she has little to no garden help, unless it's the Gator.  And, she wants a delightful garden 'show' on her deck at the main home.  The deck is raised allowing for drip irrigation.  Thankfully.
Florist Style for her deck.  Galvanized florist canisters for cut flowers, & plastic pots of flowering plants bought at the grocery store or a nursery, slipped into canisters too.  The story grows better, she loves ornamental grasses, I'll design a large prairie style grass garden for her to enjoy, and to have plenty for cutting.

Liberty London:

Pic, above, here.

Her deck is large, and can handle several large evergreens, below.  Once they become 'tired' they can be retired to planting in her newly designed/designated cutting garden.


Pic, above, here.

Very little, below, yet confidently setting a 'tone'.  Exactly the top merit of Florist Style Garden Design.

 The back entrance or front?
Pic, above, here.

Pic, above, here.

Before our appointment I was at another appointment, with her sister.  Sister mentioned a place with an international supply of construction pieces from historic homes.  She showed me a few pics of the shop & I got the name & wrote it down.  Perhaps my new client can find a piece like this, above, for her Florist Style.
New client mentioned a grown son and their gardening relationship since he was a boy, I'm sure she'll send him this post, for perusal and approval.  Too fun.
Garden & Be Well,  XO T


  1. YOU have THE BEST JOB!
    HAPPY EASTER!!Any Bunnies prancing about YOUR GARDENS??
    I just may GO get a DUCKLING TODAY!!!

  2. Your photos make me homesick to travel. In a word, lovely!

  3. I'm anxious to find the perfect piece for the brick wall by the den door.

  4. When I was in London last summer, I stayed in Chelsea for part of the trip. There was the most wonderful florist that had a stand on a busy corner and I would walk past it every day and marvel and the daily selection, and the amount of work it took to pack everything up for the night!

  5. You are amazing and creative Tara! The design is just awesome. How do you maintain your garden?

    Visit us @ if you need any kind of assistance.
