Saturday, September 5, 2015

Using the Sky as a Design Element

Framing the sky, below.  Often, never mentioned as an element of Garden Design.
The sky has several uses.  Oddly, it's the element making small landscapes look/feel BIG.
Use the sky, as an element in your Garden Design, to make your garden  feel 'calm'.
If you have an eyesore in your garden, bottom pic, put a focal point nearby to draw the eye away.  For a year, at minimum, the only arrow in my quiver against the eyesore of shed/Kubota/golf cart, is this patch of sky.

And, Royal Gaze.

Until renovations are complete I'm using the Royal Gaze.  Eyes & heart do not see the necessities, above, they gaze into beautifully framed infinite sky.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken this month.  Shot of Kubota is estimate of exact spot to take 'after' pic.  A wrap around porch is being added to the back of the house, steps into the garden landing where Kubota/golf cart are now.  #87 Granite gravel added for landing and path into The Orchard.  First time seeing our new home with the realtor, I saw the new back porch, shed moved, orchard etc.....  More amazing, Beloved said he saw the same thing.


  1. My little suburban backyard is big from exactly that, the sky framed by a Chinese evergreen elm. The tree is suffering now, I walk around it and tell it I love it, hoping it comes back.

  2. Hmmm, the sky is such a strong design element, I often wonder if what I like from others, or that I do, would stand up as well in a dull or leaden sky?

  3. Tara, how do you like that Kubota? Is it a mower or tractor or both?

  4. A friend and I were discussing this exact thing a few weeks ago. We were talking about how the sky and horizon are the strongest, yet most ignored and/or misused, elements in most gardens. Details are most alluring, but improper use of horizon/sky will throw off proportions and scale every time.

    In our open property, horizon is 180 degrees and I must acknowledge this. Garden Friend's horizon is much broader than this, as he lives on a hill. It's been a real learning experience here. It has become easier, with time, to design a garden/feature/view, than make it bigger. By doing this, the place is coming together quite nicely ... if I may be immodest for a moment.
