Friday, August 28, 2015

2 Odd Facts About Designing Your Landscape

Two odd facts about designing your garden, begin with an odder fact.  At the start of your garden design, plants do not matter, don't think about plants.
Studying the best historic gardens you'll discover pics like this, below, its Garden Design rule self evident.  Exterior walls of your home must have 3-D interest.  Don't live in a grand estate similar to below?  Lacking casement windows, stone & brick, equatorial sundial, bespoke clothing?
Live in a starter home with vinyl siding, no shutters, & hundreds of exact replicas surrounding you?  The imperative for 3-D'ing your exterior walls, greater.  Begin with shutters, moving on to espalier woody shrubs.  They need no support on the house, no trellis, no wires.

Half Pudding Half Sauce

Yesterday I had a consultation with a new client.  About 2 acres, mostly wooded, strong slope scattered through out, home neofarmhouse ca. 1980.  Four young children plus mom/dad.  Soon, 6 cars, not counting friends/family visiting.

She hired another designer before me.  Their ideas all began with removing loads of plant materials.  Not where I started, in the least.  Turning into their long winding sloped drive, 1st time, I knew before crossing that threshold they needed a golf cart or Gator.  Four garbage cans were wheeled to the top of the drive for pick up day.

Stopping in the drive, after a few hundred feet, to gain scope for the imagination, pure Anne of Green Gables, seeing, their front porch must be extended to wrap the corner.

Then, after more such gleanings, I met my client.  She loves boxwoods, and any plant with hydrangea in its name.  Deer love her hydrangeas more.

But I've gone ahead of myself, just as my client has.

Her landscape, now, is zero about plants.  Zero.  Her landscape has no FLOW.  No manner of getting from point A to B.  Before designing the first planting, FLOW must be designed into the garden.  Flow for cars, family, pets, guests, Gator, delivery trucks, and most importantly for the eye to flow upon views of beauty to focal points on axis & cross axis.
Half Pudding Half Sauce

Once FLOW is designed, deer issue addressed, her beloved boxwoods & hydrangeas can be designed into their perfect locations.

Before I left I gave her an assignment, "Do not think about plants."

Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
pics via Half Pudding Half Sauce.


  1. Exactly!! (but it's really, REALLY hard not to think about plants when planning a garden ... even though the effort is totally worth it.)

  2. Tara, enjoyable hydrangeas as well and anything that feeds bees, birds.
    My Ranger works as hard as do I; don't know what I did before Dave bought it for me.

  3. OH TARA!!! What a lucky client! What lucky clients and 4 children!

