Saturday, July 4, 2015

John Adams Celebrated July 2, the True Anniversary of Breaking from England

John & Abigail Adams, at each turn, humble.  
David McCullough wrote a Pulitzer prize winning biography of John.  
McCullough's book trumpets for the same treatment of Abigail.  With her, I want to know every layer of her successful farm management.  In minute detail.  The same treatment given to Washington & Jefferson and their farms.

"On this day in 1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, and the United States officially broke from the rule of England. The document was approved and signed on July 2, and was formally adopted on July 4. John Adams always felt that the Second of July was America's true birthday, and he refused to appear at Fourth of July celebrations for the rest of his life in protest.", from The Writer's Almanac, listen to Garrison Keillor read this passage, here.

These flags, above, have moved from their tiny cottage garden I adored for 3 decades.  Good change can hurt deeply, this grieving is from a new angle yet grief has not been unknown before, it will be managed.
Joy in our new home/garden, profound.  It was imperative I leave my garden on my own terms, and I did.  More, I have a new garden needing me, as badly as I need it.
Better, is having Beloved.  Last night, late getting home after dinner, we had our inaugural ride in the golf cart by moonlight with wine.  Destination, known, unspoken.  Our pond, about 1/2 acre.  A rough ride, Beloved still clearing invasives, we spilled as much wine as we drank.
Eyes acclimated, moonlight crested its angle across the tops of the trees, and what felt too fast, finally a spotlight on all of the trees and water coated in duckweed & frogs, our chorus.  Then, our chorus stopped, and the lake next door at the dairy farm blared its music.  Made me laugh, learning a new language.  Who knew there was a tempo to a pond & lake across acreage?
Then the epiphany hit deep, and rich.  We own this.  
My little cottage garden, and Beloved's garden, he sold his too, have been turned into a ca. 1900 American Farmhouse, 4.5 acres, open/wooded, pond.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
I staged both homes, and each sold within 24 hours of being listed on MLS.  Another instance of good change being stressful.  Who is ready for 2 homes selling so quick?  Earlier this year I staged/shot/listed by owner on Zillow Beloved's cabin, it sold.  Chose to use a realtor for our 2 homes for several reasons, and know it was the right choice.  Realtor for our new home is equally amazing.  Oh the horror stories I was told about realtors !  These 2 realtors will stay in my phone.  They are now friends, and part of our lives.  


  1. My Mother always said: "When you are going in the right direction; the doors will fly open!
    If doors are flying shut; check your direction!!!
    When we decided on a Saturday, 19 years ago, to move to Santa Barbara, our house was on a Pasadena Heritage tour to raise money for them the next day.
    When I drove out of the driveway on Monday, to go to look at houses in Santa Barbara, the phone rang and a woman had seen our house on the tour and asked if we would ever sell it! She bought it on Friday!

    I loved our house in Pasadena; (I had wanted it since I was 13! We bought it when I was 40!)

    And, I never thought the house we built I would love as much....I grieved also! But I love it so much more!!

    There you go!!! I can't wait to see what you do!!!

  2. Oh I do hope Beloved will let you buy a "duchies" for your be tethered from each side to sit in the will have the extreme gift of ducks who will be able to keep their ducklings safe from predators!!

    We had a record this year (remember last year...we almost lost the pond....we had to line it....(my "beloved" stepped up and paid a have it saved the ducks...I told more presents for the rest of my life..that meant so much to me!!!)
    A new record! 7 ducklings in March......then 10 in June! They are now 58 days old....(they can't fly for 54 days) but they aren't leaving!! All safe....all grow up in safety...because of the floating duck house!!!

    Spread the news in your is so sad...everything eats baby ducklings! Heron, raccoons, skunks..coyotes, you name it....and they can't fly for 52 days! (the origin of the expression "sitting duck"!!

    You will be heart warmed at how they know you and trust you.....(Oh I feed them also!) and if I bring a stranger to the pond they know....and don't rush right over!

    that is good....they are wild...and not everyone can they trust!

  3. Congratulations on your new life with your Beloved. Beloved is a word I have cherished for over 40 years. My Beloved's grandmother, a poet, wrote a poem about her Beloved. That poem was a part of of wedding ceremony to honor his grandparents who were not with us, but whose great capacity to love was there in my husband.

    I wish you both years of great happiness and the grace to acknowledge it every day.

  4. It sounds like a lovely evening drinking wine and enjoying your new garden and new life together.

  5. Very suitable day for you both! I like the riding in a golf cart with wine at night...

    Selling a house fast...ugh, at least when I move next, I'm just renting and have less, so not nearly the stress.

    I'd heard something like that about 7/2, but you made the background more memorable...especially about John Adams. And since 7/2 is my 49th b-day, I can get really behind that.

  6. This post just makes me very happy. May you have many years of moonlight serenades.
